ok, so how did you do it???

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  • #158780

    first off, congrats to those that have passed this window!! SUPER congrats to those that are done with the whole exam!!!

    now that it is all said and done, how did you pass?? what was key? what did/didn’t work? what did you learn?

    please guide the rest of us to CPA island!!! we will be forever greatful!!



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  • #256045

    The key for me was to eat Jimmy Johns before my exams….it's 3 for 3 so far. I didn't eat it before my final one, so let's hope it's not 100% correct!


    B-E-C-K-E-R really. I believe this review program is so magnificent that I almost feel like I'm cheating by using it.

    The other half is hard hard study, with a lot of sacrifice. Reviewing each chapter 2-3 times, MCQS twice and studying the flashcards constantly to not forget key concepts.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I would say just focusing and studying and putting in the time to study… it was a bit easier for me since I had the summer off and only had to focus on my first 3 parts… now I started work Monday and 2 grad classes….. and have barely touched my REG materials since last weekend 🙁 back to the books tonight…

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96

    GSU Josh

    CPA island sucks!! I can't even find a job!! Starting to offer my services for minimum wage!!

    AUD - 74, 87; BEC - 84; FAR - 78; REG - 79
    It's done, Son!


    @GSUJosh– Have you looked at local insurance, medical, other companies in your area just to work in corporate accounting or internal auditing to get your foot in the door? I worked at a regional accounting firm for about a year and left for corporate accounting (less hours, no travel). I have all my audit hours in, but if I didn't, they were going to be flexible and let me work a few hours a week in internal audit to get the hours…


    What's all this talk about getting enough audit hours? I work in corporate accounting. I don't have a single second of experience in public accounting. I can still be a CPA. What am I missing here?

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

    GSU Josh

    Unless it's something for another state, only thing I know about audit hours is having at least 16 hours out of the 80 of CPE every two years to maintain your license.

    AUD - 74, 87; BEC - 84; FAR - 78; REG - 79
    It's done, Son!


    In CA there is a General license and an Attest License. I am an auditor so I am getting the attest experience which is more than simply working under a CPA for a year.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    I used Yaeger…I would say the main thing is find the RIGHT study program for you & to buckle down and really put in the time.

    3 Letters

    i study with becker and one trick i've been using is to write down notes for all the pratice questions i get wrong. not the actual answer choice but make notes on the concepts and material that i missed. I review those notes a lot and use them as a guide when i go back and review the book. it can get frustrating making notes on a section where you're doing terrible, but it helps point out your weaknesses.

    in general, i tried to make sure i study in as many different ways as possible. i try taking MCQ, quizzing myself on flashcards and practice reciting from memory those things you're supposed to memorize in between reading and rereading the text. it can be easy to get in a rut where you're just reading the book over and over especially when you've been studying hard for weeks. i think it's a little less draining when you don't keep repeating your methods.

    REG - 96, FAR - 92, AUD - 77, BEC - 78


    i currently write down the answers to the ones i get wrong or guess, i think this is just making me memorize the correct answers to the questions. i will try to write concepts behind the answers going forward. i also tried to take notes on a pad but as you know, becker's books are outlined notes, feel like i'm being redundant and not productive by rewriting it…now i only write down notes i will probably forget and do not know.

    i hope this does the trick, i'm seriously considering moving to yaeger if i don't pass this time around





    Different things work for different people. You have to find, and recognize, what works best, and what works least for you. For instance, for me, reading the book and taking notes is nearly a complete waste of time, and I thouroughly despise both, and so I rarely used those tactics. I learn best from interaction and hands on…and so working the MC problems helped me learn the best, along w/ always thourougly reading every answer, regardless if I got it right or wrong.

    You need to look at what things you have continued to do the same when studying for each exam and stop doing those things. You need to switch it up. There is something that is not working for you, and if you continue to use that tactic(s) you are simply just wasting time and energy.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81



    i do not retain information when reading the book but i feel like i have to in order to get a general idea of how to answer the questions. also, the book is so general and sometimes doesn't help with questions that are specific. i also agree mcq is the best way to learn the material, it just sux when you keep getting the answers wrong and scoring a low %.

    a common trend in my studying is lecture, reading all 60+ pages in a chpt, then doing mcq. i switched it up a little by reading each section w/in the chpts then doing mcq for each section, not sure if it's gonna work. i gonna also try reading the correct/incorrect answers thouroughly for every question

    another thing that makes it difficult for me is that i was never a really good student and never really learned how to study, just got by with C's. it's definitely coming back to bite me in the you know what

    thank you for your comments, i hope to be in your shoes in the near future




    I graduated college w/ like a 2.7. I never studied at all. I was a total slacker and just partied a lot. I passed 3 of the exams on the first try, failed BEC the first try by 1 point, and passed a few weeks later. Just because you got good or bad grades in college means nothing when it comes to this exam.

    My advice, if you don't retain the info from reading the book, then stop reading the book. Watch the lectures, work the MC questions, use cpareviewforfree.com, and process the information for each mc question – why is each answer right or wrong.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81



    you are a true inspiration to me! my GPA was like 2.7 maybe 2.8. i'm currently doing cpareviewforfree during work everyday and i even have a wiley cd i got for free, which i'll probably do after i go through all of becker mcq again.

    another thing is towards the end near exam time i never feel ready, always feel like if i had 1 more week i would be fine but never extend the exam date…not sure if that's normal among candidates

    which materials did you use? did you supplement with any other materials?



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