NY Education Requirements-Community College transfers?

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  • #2716602


    I have a few questions regarding the CPA 150-hour Education Requirement in NY, which I’d appreciate if you could clarify for me. I contacted NYS education and they would not answer my questions.

    Please note that I have a B.S. in Accounting and a A.S. in Accounting.

    1. Of the 76 credit hours at my Community College towards the A.S., 69 hours transferred to my 4 year school. Do the 7 hours that did not transfer to 4 year school count towards the 150 requirement?

    2. I took ACC 201 – Intermediate Accounting 1 at Community College which was 4 credit hours, and I took BUS 368 – Intermediate Accounting 1 at my 4 year school which was 3 credit hours.
    Do both classes count toward the 33 semester hours in accounting? If not, does the 4 hour one count or the 3 hour one?
    ( Also regarding this, my 4 year school did accept the ACC 201 – Intermediate Accounting 1 class credits)

    3. I took ACC 220 – Accounting Internship which was 3 hours and did not transfer to 4 year school. Doe that class count towards the 33 semester hours in accounting?

    Thank you!


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  • #2717205

    Hi Joshua,
    1. Yes it will, if it's a qualified class.
    2. It will depends. The board will unlikely take the same class twice. The judgement will highly depended on “when you submit your accounting 1 credits to the other school, what did the school offered?” It sounded like they make you take the class again and didn't waived your class requisition. Did they converted the credits to just general accounting credits? If they did, and if the general accounting credits qualified, then it will count toward the 33 requirements. (Refer to your transcript for the exact decision). If in doubt, e-mail the board and it will give you an answer.
    3. The answer is no. Please do some research. (https://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/cpa/cpa150hour.htm) See note # 1.
    Happy holiday to you in advance.

    New York - NYC
    Passed CPA Exam (11/2014)
    In search for a position in NYC that will fulfills the license requirement.


    Have you looked into submitting your transcripts for an NASBA advisory evaluation? There's almost certainly a fee, but it will be cheaper than taking additional courses you don't need. https://nasba.org/exams/cpaexam/newyork/

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