Need Responses

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  • #156770

    Thought I ACED audit. Got my score… 70. Obviously I was shocked. I received information on my test and scored weak in weak in 1 of the 5 MC sections. comparable in 2 of the 5. and stronger in 2 of the 5. stronger in simulation. and weaker in memo. I DO NOT UNDERSTAND MY SCORE. I feel as though there so no possible way. Please response if this is normal.

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  • #206980

    I got a 74 on AUD. I cannot prove it but there may be some grader who is very harsh on the written communication part. This is the only part of the exam that is subjectively graded by a human.


    I completely understand that. But what did your analysis of your grade look like, being that you got a 74. Was it comparable to mine or do you think there was some mistake.


    My score was comparable to yours.


    You're not alone, I too thought I did great, but I failed with a 70, even though I did OK in certain sections as follows:

    Planning – 88

    Internal Control – 82

    Information – 75

    Review – 67

    Communications – 84

    I guess what I did wrong was not writting enough in the written communications sections in the simulation.

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