NASBA closed due to flooding

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  • #157653

    Nasba has now put a big disclaimer on their website saying that they are currently non-operational due to the flooding. Although I know that the safety of Nasba’s employees comes first, I am extremely surprised that they do not have any sort of back up system/hot site/etc. in place in case of such an event. I have been trying to re-register for my NTS, but unable to do so and now I will miss any last testing seats available in May. Do you think they will extend testing into June due to all of this?


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  • #228310

    NASBA gave me a tour of their HQ when I was in Nashville and I can picture the exact room where they do the NTS stuff.

    While they could have a hot site for systems purposes, they physically need employees in there to handle the paperwork and right now, downtown Nashville (where their HQ is located..same place and E&Y has their Nashville offices) is a mess and probably without utility service.

    I wouldn't panic…the AICPA catered to the snow situation this past winter.


    Do you think this is going to delay score releases?

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    If you go to they said it wouldnt impact the score releases.

    The GaJone

    They said that this winter too and the Wave 1 score release was a complete nightmare!

    To answer the original question, I don't see why this would cause the testing window to be extended. The reason the testing window was extended in the winter was because the snow storm effected a large portion of the country; this Tennessee flood really only effects a small group of people, though.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)

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