[Career] Looking For a Job!!! - Page 3

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  • #157093

    Hello everybody. I just recently passed all four sections of the exam on my first attempt using Becker and I am now looking for a job in the wonderful State of Michigan. I have my MBA and I am also a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. So I was wondering if anyone has any advice for this future CPA? I say future CPA because I don’t have the 2,000 hour experience requirement fulfilled yet so I have to do that before it’s official. I would like to preferably end up with a firm or somewhere where I can fulfill the experience requirement but at the same time I am definitely open to any other type of accounting job. Any help would be appreciated. Maybe someone in Michigan is looking for a bright individual to add to their workforce? 🙂 And thanks in advance!!!n


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  • #218636

    Good luck with the job search!

    After working at a Fortune 500 company for less than a year, the company went under and I found myself job searching again. After a lot of applications and interviews I was offered 2 positions. Both from corporate companies. So definitely try corporate too. Since you're out of college already, I've found they're the ones that are more likely to hire you. Also put your resume on Monster. Yes, you'll get some annoying calls from insurance companies, but you never know who else might find your resume. That's how I got my current job.

    I'm sure it finds hard right now, but keep trying and you'll find it. Also try the recruiting companies. Only the ones that you don't have to pay for. I worked with one that hooked me up with an interview. I decided to accept another job before that place made a decision though

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