[Career] Looking For a Job!!!

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    Hello everybody. I just recently passed all four sections of the exam on my first attempt using Becker and I am now looking for a job in the wonderful State of Michigan. I have my MBA and I am also a member of Beta Gamma Sigma. So I was wondering if anyone has any advice for this future CPA? I say future CPA because I don’t have the 2,000 hour experience requirement fulfilled yet so I have to do that before it’s official. I would like to preferably end up with a firm or somewhere where I can fulfill the experience requirement but at the same time I am definitely open to any other type of accounting job. Any help would be appreciated. Maybe someone in Michigan is looking for a bright individual to add to their workforce? 🙂 And thanks in advance!!!n


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  • #218605

    Public accounting will not be hiring for along time


    Avoid Phillyn


    CPA EXAM - Passed


    PursuitCPA I know what you're talking about when you say that public accounting won't be hiring for awhile. It sounds like that the major firms won't be recruiting any more until the September area give or take. I had my head so focused on this exam from June to December that I missed out on the recruiting that took place during that time. And as far as Craigslist I have been checking everyday and applying to jobs that are being listed. I'm just going to keep planting all these seeds and eventually someone will call. It's just playing the waiting game. You would think I would be good at this game considering all the waiting we do for the AICPA and NASBA but it still sucks!!! Anyway it's back to the search :)n



    You know, my friend was in similar situation to yours. She was so busy taking exams – that she missed recruiting deadlines. But she applied to governmental organizations, and got a job with California state board (although job is in NY and that's where she will be working). She will be working as tax auditor. Salary is not competitive, but benefits are, and it qualifies for two year experience.
    nI also know some other people who worked in govegnmental organizations as tax auditors.
    nMaybe it's a possibility to look for IRS or state board accounting jobs… good experience for couple of years at least, plus, I don't think they have strict deadlines as public accounting firms do.
    nAlso, I don't know if you know, but internal auditing also qualifies for 2-year experience, so maybe it makes sense to look at corporations hiring for auditing department.
    nFirst job is hardest to find, but it is also not going to for life, so maybe various options should be considered.


    Best of luck to you, I am sure your impressie credentials will help.n



    Thanks for the kind words Anna. I will look into your recommendations as far as governmental work and state board opportunities are concerned. I figure that once I get this first job then it should be smooth sailing from here on out.


    On a side note, Ernst & Young will be on campus in a couple weeks. So I definitely will be there!n



    Not smooth sailing I have 1 year of experience and I am just taking the exam now without any job prospects, for a possibility to get into a MACC.I applied to a couple government positions (IRS, DCAA, FDIC) and never heard back, so many people are unemployed and applying…I think with the state jobs you have to take another accounting test…Czack, they will be on campus but will they even care? I went to a job fair and they didn't even show up!n


    CPA EXAM - Passed


    yea czack don't get your hopes with EY on campus…there will probably be no managers just entry levels who are forced to be there, and at this time of year they're only hiring for internships (if even that), so they're probably just there to show themselves…and if there are other companies don't waste your time in an hour long line for EY when smaller firms are actually there to recruit.


    Just some advice.n



    Well I wouldn't expect EY to be hiring right this instant. However, maybe I can land an interview for a position down the road or something. DTE and a few other major companies are also going to be there. So you can bet I'll have a resume to give to every employer that is there :)n



    another bit of advice for the big firms…it's tempting to talk to the young ones who just got hired because they're more approachable and were in your shoes, but they can't really do anything for you. If you see someone with partner on their name tag that is your target, make SURE you talk to them and follow up with e-mails (they'll lose your resume guaranteed), at this point in time they wont' be hiring but it will help for you to start talking to them so they recognize your name. Managers are good too, staff and seniors really are a waste of time to talk to. Just try to differentiate yourself among the higher ups, and if you find someone like a partner or manager who works at an office you are interested in make sure you keep in touch, they'll be the one eventually interviewing you.n



    czack – depends if they want a CPA and if a position is available, especially for companies.n


    CPA EXAM - Passed


    Thanks for the advice strider4216. I'll make sure to read their name tags and to make sure I talk to a partner or manager if that is who is in attendance. I figure that it is a process as far as possibly getting hired down the road with one of these firms. But it all starts with talking to the people who are recruiting and getting my name out there.n



    Most importantly, we have to stay positive.n


    CPA EXAM - Passed


    Small CPA firms. If they need somebody, they hire quickly. I got a job with a 10 person firm 6 months before I graduated undergrad. Also, try a corporate headhunter. I know that sounds shady, but alot of time they post jobs of carrerbuilder and stuff. You dont generally have to pay them if you are just getting put in their “database”, which means they are not looking for a job specifically for you, but when they get jobs that they think you qualify for they call you and help set up interviews. I used two when I was looking to get out of public and they help land me a few interviews.n


    BEC - 79; FAR-79, AUD-80, REG-80



    From my understanding, the only way to get an entry level job in public accounting is through campus recruiting. I think that campus recruiting was the best move I made while in college. I was offered three different positions with the Big Four and another with Grant Thorton. I networked my @ss off at those recruiting events, but I'd say they are definitely worth attending. Get to know the campus recruiters from each of the firms. They are invaluable to you in your job search.


    Although we are passing through a dismal time for employment, there are definitely still jobs to be found through campus recruiting. Take advantage of it while you are still in school.n


    FAR - 97 AUD - 95 BEC - 92 REG - 04/07


    Except there is a total of 5 jobs listed on my University's Website for Accounting =) 1-2 are gov jobs that no one ever gets


    Not everyone can get into the big 4 or top 100 firm. This is a huge misconception in school.n


    CPA EXAM - Passed


    Good luck with the job search!


    After working at a Fortune 500 company for less than a year, the company went under and I found myself job searching again. After a lot of applications and interviews I was offered 2 positions. Both from corporate companies. So definitely try corporate too. Since you're out of college already, I've found they're the ones that are more likely to hire you. Also put your resume on Monster. Yes, you'll get some annoying calls from insurance companies, but you never know who else might find your resume. That's how I got my current job.


    I'm sure it finds hard right now, but keep trying and you'll find it. Also try the recruiting companies. Only the ones that you don't have to pay for. I worked with one that hooked me up with an interview. I decided to accept another job before that place made a decision thoughn


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