Just need to VENT

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  • #158682

    So I have one test left and I have to say this has been the most horrific process. The process to get approved to even take the test takes forever and is expensive, then you can apply to test and there are never any available days that you want, then you pay a ton of money for review maerials, then you spend all your time studying, then you take the test in the stressful prometric envirnment, then it’s a waiting game to get results (should I study for the next one, or start studying again for this one), then even when you pass one there is no joy because you know you have more. I’m finally down to my last test and my friend says when your done you have an ethics and a law exam (not that hard but another part of the process that costs time and money). Once you get those you can fill out all the paperwork as long as you have the experience and education requirements pay the fee (again) and WAIT (another common theme) for your license (which no one cares about except you after all everyone already assumes I’m a CPA and they have no idea what the hell it is).

    Could they make the process any more horrible? I’m just wondering what percentage of people make it from start to finish of those that take the first test? What percentage of accountants are CPAs? Does anyone else find the entire process from start to finish horrific?

    All that said… I’m almost done and I’m glad I didn’t quit and will finish it through. Oddly enough, I hate accounting and have considered changing careers after this but we’ll see. I feel like I set out to accomplish this goal and I can’t quit until I see it all the way through. After all how can I tell my kids to never quit at something if I do (especially since this is arguable one of the hardest thing I’ve gone through). And my wife thinks I can do anything I put my mind to so I just couldn’t let her down.

    I’m one test away (and a ethics and law exam and some fees and paperwork and waiting) from the MONKEY OFF OF MY BACK FOREVER!!!

    REG - 84, BEC - 79, FAR - 76, AUD - 83

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  • #240100

    They make it this difficult (test difficulty, all the hoops to jump through etc etc.) to keep the “CPA” designation prestigious, and although it is painful to go through, you go through it all ONCE. Once you have those three letters after your name, it is something that defines you, something to fall back on, and a designation that is respected AROUND THE WORLD.

    A lot of people will give up in the process. It's grueling. But in the end, worth it 🙂

    Hang in there.


    Here is something to help put it in perspective:

    Look at how easy it is to get a drivers license. I almost don't think anyone has ever been denied in the history of the universe. Now look at how many horrible drivers are on the road and how many accidents there are.

    There is a reason for making the process the way it is.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    Thanks Financeguy and eartzi. How do people who post on this site put there scores in the salutation to each sign off?

    REG - 84, BEC - 79, FAR - 76, AUD - 83


    at the top of your page it says, “Welcome, getthemonkeyoffmyback” click on your name and then edit your profile.

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!

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