Using Research to write CPA Exam Memo – Is this cheating?

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  • #158225

    So I just finished my exam today and I am a little concerned about my communications tab. As I still had about 2.5 hours remaining going into my first simulation, I had a lot of time to write my communication. With the amount of time I had, I was able to research my topic extensively.

    In my communication, I had used sentences that were straight from the research tab, but a majority was changed and modified with my own words. However, the fact that I used some sentences word for word concerns me. Has anyone copied from the research tab and still passed the exam?

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  • #234379

    Not at all!

    I did that too. Sometimes the research function is blacked out for certain topics though.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    I can't speak from experience, but I wouldn't think copying the regulations would be cheating. After all you are meant to structure your answers around them. I think the thought is that time constraints would usually make it impractical to look up the regs but if you have the extra time why not!

    FAR 8/5, AUD 8/31


    ItalianCPA, so you copied some sentences word for word and still passed the exam?? If so, this is a huge relief! I have heard that some people who copied word for word scored poorly on communications and received a 74 (they were comparable in other areas). I am not too sure of what to think of this.


    I was told in my review that candidates absolutely should not copy and paste from the research section…

    Besides, the FASB has the WORST grammar!

    AUD - 97; FAR - 95; BEC - 7/8/10 ;REG - 8/4/10


    I wouldn't have copied word for word unless you quoted the reference text.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    I don't think its cheating but I don't think you are supposed to copy word for word. Besides, part of the communication is to write it towards your audience (whoever the memo is to) and use the correct language. I think that copying word for word is too technical for regular language used in the work place.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I did not copy and paste anything, but I did copy some phrases word for word, anyone think I will get docked for this?….


    On one of my AUD communications, I had no clue how to answer and copied word for word almost the entire thing.

    I passed w/a 78.


    CPA-Valenz you just made my night! thanks for the response! i just hope it wasn't the one they tossed!


    I don't know if I passed yet, but I don't think it's prohibited.

    I mean , they almost cavity search you at the prometric center and then they leave the research tab open?

    Maybe your friend copied it in the wrong context, maybe the other communication got scored.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    In all of my communications I'd reference info from the research tab. The key (IMO) is to further explain, in laymen's terms, the concept you're trying to convey and how the quoted or referenced material supports your position.

    I'd write a full memo including “If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at….”

    You really need to put yourself in the role the question is outlining for you…who's your audience, and what level of explanation is needed to make the position/point clear to them?

    Please Let Me Pass

    I was told by Becker that they don't grade the communications for correctness. If this is true, then there is really no reason to waste time with looking things up in the research tab.

    FAR: 92
    REG: 94
    BEC: 89
    AUD: 1/07/11


    Use key words in your memos – a computer likely grades them.

    (Do you really think a human hand-grades 30,000+ exams per window?)


    (Do you really think a human hand-grades 30,000+ exams per window?)

    At the rate it takes for scores to come out, yes. lol

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    They don't grade for correctness, but my understanding is they do grade on how well you can support whatever answer you choose. They also grade down if your advice is illegal or immoral, if I remember correctly.

    Just sayin' – I did it on all of my communication letters and passed each of my exams the first time around.

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