IFRS Changes for 2011

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  • #157590

    Hello All – I’m currently studying for FAR (it’s my first exam) and I’m trying to plan which to take next. Based on the Yaeger video regarding the IFRS changes, it seems FAR, Audit and Reg will have the most significant “topic / material” changes. Just wanted to see whether that’s the general consensus and whether Jeff or anyone had any thoughts on which will have the most “new material” in 2011, Audit or Reg? Appreciate your thoughts and comments. Wish me luck!

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  • #228042

    Wow, tackling FAR first. FAR was the worst of the exams by far for me. Don't let it get into your mind on test day, it is rough.

    BEC is picking up written items vs the 100% multiple choice that it is now. It might be worth it to tackle that one next. Most of the significant changes are really just moving topics around moreso than different or new topics from my understanding.


    Thanks Dale, appreciate the words of advice. I figured I'd start with what's supposed to be the toughest exam, so that I am completely focused and don't start the 18 month clock until I pass this one. I've heard too many horror stories of people having to retake exams due to lost credit, so I'm starting with FAR.

    While I know BEC's format will have the most significant changes, I thought the addition of IFRS rules for Audit and Reg were going to be significant due to candidates having to memorize multiple sets of rules. Did I misunderstand that or am I over thinking this change?




    FAR and AUD will change the most…BEC a little…REG hardly any at all.



    Thanks Jeff. I guess Audit is next on the hit list.


    100% agree – take FAR then AUD. FAR has so much material to remember, that you will likely leverage your classroom/foundation knowledge of accounting many times during the test (i.e. when you're trying to eliminate wrong answers when guessing). When IFRS hits, it will be likely a whole new animal for you. No reason not to take FAR first.

    I took FAR first, and passed, and gave me more confidence (and urgency) to study hard and past the rest.

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