I need a new NTS

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  • #158587

    I have a current NTS which was for all four sections and expires on 9/30/10. I was able to take AUD, REG (Both Passed) and FAR (Waiting for wave 2) by 8/31, however didnt get a chance to take BEC. I was planning to take BEC in early October and re-registered for a new NTS. After about two weeks, I had not received my new NTS for BEC and I called NASBA to check the status. I was informed that I would not receive a new NTS until after 9/30 when the old NTS expires. I have spoken both to a NASBA rep and had correpondence with examination coordinator, both of whom were unable to help.

    Has anyone run into this situation before? I find it hard to belive that they will make me wait until October to schedule BEC when there is no opportunity to take the exam in September. Regardless, I am finding this situation very frustraiting, as I was planning on retaking FAR in November if it turns out I didnt pass.

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  • #239674


    What state are you from? How long did it take to get your NTS? If you can apply and approved quickly just start studying for BEC and in Oct apply for the exams you will need. In TX the process is a matter of a few days – in CA it can take a long time.

    Congrats on your results so far. Hope the good news continues with FAR.


    keagle – you have to wait until your previous NTS expires on 9/30 before you can register for a new one. since your previous NTS includes BEC, which is the one you want to reapply for, you have to wait. (just the way it works) It probably prevents people from sitting for the same section more than once within the testing window. It doesn't matter your situation (reason for why you can't take it).

    However, say you had a NTS out for BEC and it hasn't expired yet, and wanted to register for FAR…you would be able to because FAR was not on your previous NTS. You can have multiple NTSs that are active, the only catch is that they can't be for the same sections.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Also, you will find out your score for FAR in about 2 weeks…so why not just wait until you get your score? That way, if you need to retake it you can reapply for a new NTS with both BEC and FAR on it (and avoid paying 2 registration fees). You will get the NTS in like a week at the most (I always reapply online and have it e-mailed to me). You will definitely be able to take BEC beginning of October and retake FAR in November if need be. Your time selections may not be ideal, but I am sure there will still be spots open.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    I wanted to apply for a new NTS, because I truly think I failed BEC.. but my state (IL) said I have to wait for the “failing” score before they will issue me another NTS. I want to take BEC again before 2011!!! Hopefully it won't take long to get a new NTS….

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