I can't concentrate - Page 2

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  • #157805

    I am studying for FAR to take in July and a recent event w/ a girl has got me very depressed and I just can’t concentrate.  Last thursday I got my passing score for BEC and on the same day I also received a promotion at work.  I was so happy.  That same day I had just finished watching all 46 hours of lecture from my yaeger homestudy.  That weekend I went on a camping trip.  So basically to sum it up, I haven’t done any studying since last thursday (5/19).  I have tried to hit the books a few times and I just stop after about 10-15 minutes because I just can’t concentrate.  I have AUD and BEC passed, and I want to be prepared for FAR in July.  I am in a really bad mind state right now and it is heavily affecting me w/ this exam.  This post is somewhat just to vent, but I need to clear my head.  I need to get back on track and get back into the right mindset.  Any advice?

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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  • #229017

    I'm also a very conservative person but I would love a new car within the next couple years. Probably will tape this on the cover of my review book to keep me motivated haha




    Look at this situation not as a defeat but as a victory an opportunity for something far better and greater.

    Just for encouragement, remember you will be competing with a lot of people on the next window. People will be bringing “fire” to FARE because of the changes on 2011.

    And if you need more motivation remember there will be changes on 2011.


    Ed, and everyone, I appreciate the advice. I actually am really good w/ the motivation. I'm very good at motivating myself at most things I do. I haven't at all become discouraged w/ this exam. It is my recent concentration of studying which is hurting me. Are you guys trying to tell me that maybe I need a new motivation? One that will re-focus my concentration?

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

    NY GT girl


    Something that really helped me was setting mini-goals. I would sit down to review a section and not let myself get up and walk away from it until I understood it. Also, maybe try finding a new place to study. I often have trouble studying at home. I did most of my AUD studying at a coffee shop near my house for a change of pace.

    NY Candidate using Becker: FAR (2/20) - 81, AUD (4/3) - 92, REG (5/3) - 95, BEC (5/29) - 89 DONE!!!


    @ financeguy

    Are you guys trying to tell me that maybe I need a new motivation? One that will re-focus my concentration?

    We know you have the smarts and the desire to pass the CPA exam. You have already proven that.

    The question is was she your “motivation”. I’m afraid this could be affecting more than your concentration for the exam.

    If that is the case my suggestion would be to re-focus the reason you do things to the One that will never fail you. Every day I try to do my best, improve and become better for His glory.

    It worked for me and I’m a better person because of it.


    Yes, financeguy, you need motivation. Without it, you have no desire to pass this test. Who wants to sit down and burn out looking at 500+ pages of material? Our motivations come in many different forms and contexts…

    there is no easy way to get over a girl. Look, the grandfather of my ex was buried today, and she didn't invite me to the funeral…how rejected can someone possibly feel? It got me down earlier, but what was i to do? Show up, unannounced and uninvited? By myself?

    Life is hard enough alone. With someone who plays games, it's next to impossible. You should feel real guilty for giving her the time of day to worry about it. It doesn't matter, young or old, white or black, beautiful or grotesque, male or female, love hurts. All of us go through disappointments with relationships. A good woman will come along, but you better be ready. the way you sound now, it ain't gonna happen. Get over her because in three to five years none of this pain matters. It's a sliver of your life. Believe me when I tell you that.


    So true this situation and thinking about it is like poison to your brain. Its taking your life (time) away slowly.


    Well it was definitely not this girl in particular that was my motivation for passing this exam. But all of this got me thinking, and I really don't know what my particular motivation was. Back in 2008 I was still working at a subprime mortgage servicing company and I was frustrated w/ my job and just felt I was underutilized, and I was frustrated w/ job hunting in general. I just sort of thought, well maybe I will go to become a cpa. I did a bit of research and found out I needed some additional accounting classes (major was finance). A few months later I got a new job and then a couple months later I started my first class (auditing) on the way to qualifying for the cpa exam. I had been out of school for 5 years and I used to absolutely hate school, and at first wondered if I would be able to handle it. Obviously I did, and when I reached my 24 units of accounting I then applied for the cpa exam. I can't really think of a particular motivation. Its been more of something that I decided to do, and I just don't give up on things.

    I'm into self improvement and always trying to better myself, and I'm also a big picture kind of guy. My motivation is to be the best person that I can be in all areas of my life, and always be on the path of constant improvement. Becoming a CPA falls into that plan in various ways.

    I do find it very interesting the different ways that you guys motivate yourself for this exam. I'm curious Lee, are you REALLY going to buy a Ferrari? Once you pass the exam, will you get promoted at work and be able to afford it, or will you try for a new job?

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    CPA_hopeful, a new Ferrari F430 in the garage sounds pretty enticing to me. Maybe between the stock market and being a CPA, we may come close. For now, though, I still love Infiniti G37's.


    FAR- 76, BEC- 79, REG- 82, AUD- Waiting
    IL Candidate
    Yaeger Review


    I want to go on a cruise trip when I get my life back.


    I was the one with the $2,500 Canon, not the Ferrari. That's ironic about your story. I guess most of us are pretty similar.

    I graduated in Finance back in Dec 2002, took two years off, and went back to college to pick up accounting classes. My first two courses? Auditing and Business Law. It was also a goal that I set with several motivations. My primary motivation was not being able to land ANY job, and feeling like I was competing with everyone for the same jobs, with the same skills.

    I looked into an MBA, the CFA exam, and the Acturial Exams. Ultimately, CPA was more manageable (and realistic) than the others.

    I have plowed through many jobs and a few women. It's always the same story: high expectations, low amounts of effort finding them (both job and women), same letdowns. Sorry women + Sorry jobs = Sorry results. None of them are compatible to me. They have been mostly uneducated and without goals, or drive, like successful people. Therefore, besides having s*x, not much to talk about long-term. And find myself single again. Same women = same results.

    Next time I will try harder. No matter how long I am single (and jobless) I will not accept losers into my life. Thank God I had a stash of money built up. It's been therapeutic actually. Jobless, wearing nothing except shorts all day, studying, playing PS3 and Xbox, and looking for jobs. A little depressing, but hey, so is being 33 and with a sorry ass woman.


    @Jerod: yea, a new 458 italia sounds even better =)

    i will have to settle with my 335i right now make it as fast as possible… lol… thats a good way to get my mind off endless audit questions.

    BEC: Done
    REG: Done
    AUD: Done
    FAR: Done

    I'M DONE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Thank you, your post is so encouraging and full of reality. I feel like printing it and putting it on a wall.

    Definitely a wake up call to anyone that reads it carefully.


    Yeah, real sh*t Lee. You sound like you got a really good mindset. I believe good things come to those who want it most.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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