How to Handle Failure on the CPA exam

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  • #156613

    As the exams are coming out, not everybody will pass. I just wanted to offer support to those who have not passed.

    – You are not alone

    – Look on the positive side of life

    – Focus on things that cheer you up

    – Focus on other people and things (forget yourself)

    – Move on

    Good luck and I hope that helps!

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  • #254779

    I have to agree with the above advice. I didn' pass AUD in May and I was 3 for 3. It was my last exam and because I didn't pass, I have to retake BEC in October – which REALLY sucks! I am currently waiting for AUD score (retested in Aug) now and it's torture. I found out my failing score – 73 – while on vacation with my fiance and our 5 kids. I think I was in shock for about two days. I analyzed what I needed to focus on with my second review and developed a plan of action to pass. I have stuck to it and I am praying for a 75 on AUD. I did feel much more prepared this time around. I am devoting my time to BEC now and ready to retest and get this over with!

    I guess just stay positive and don't beat yourself up too badly – have a few drinks, move on and stay positive. You will get there!


    I agreed, many people failed, myself too many time. As a matter of fact I received three time 74! I was shocked first couple day. Come down, think positive and jump again into study mode. The good thing is that you know material already (first time is toupher), just go in deep. You will pass eventualy. Move on, YOU WILL PASS.

    GOODLUCK for those who failed. I am waiting my last one (BEC).


    I agree. Take a few days and refocus on the exam. I've been going at this for nearly 3 years and I don't even want to know how much time and money I've spent. I passed REG & BEC early on and struggled with AUD & FAR… I had some personal & financial issues as I was struggling with those 2 so I couldn't take them every window as I hoped. I finally passed both of those but lost my REG & BEC credits. I passed BEC earlier this year and pray that I passed REG last month. If not, my next credit expires at the end of October.


    Hey Jencpa, how many attempts for BEC and which study materials did you use?


    Angie – I passed BEC the 1st time in late 2006 using Becker. After that credit expired I retook it this year – passed 1st time with Gleim. I bought the book & CD with multiple choice questions and I think it was around $90 for all of that.


    BEC is easy 1 attempt..Audit 1 attempt…….Reg 3 attempts…….the challenge is finding the method of studying that works Far better be 1 attempt

    go Yaeger!

    I handle a cpa failure like any other……….


    I hope I don't fail!


    curse words, dark room, alcohol, prescription medication sometime helps, hate everyone and everything in this world attitude….has worked for me


    Jack Daniels if you please


    How to Handle Failure on the CPA exam:

    1. Tell yourself that the test is ridiculous hard, tricky, etc.

    2. Tell yourself that you are not a nerd

    3. Tell yourself that you enjoy having a social life and sometimes have to blow off studying

    4. Jump on this site and see all the other people who have failed


    I took all four exams twice. The first round I was devastated that I didn't pass any parts. I then started talking with people from firms who are in the accounting departments and learned that they could not pass the exam because it was too hard so they gave. I didn't. It is hard, but the more you review the more you will remember. I picked them off one by one and made it through.

    Best of luck to all.

    75 CPA

    The main thing is to pass all four exams within the 18 month window. Who cares how many times you have to retake an exam? AUD, my last exam, kicked my butt and I came within one day of having to take REG again.

    My new employer in public practice did not ask me how many times I took the exams, or what were my scores. Once you pass these exams you will belong to the CPA club. You will be accepted by other CPAs. A CPA is a CPA!

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