How Do You Do It?

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  • #158415

    I have taken two months each to study for BEC and AUD but I also work full-time. At the end of those two months I haven’t felt ready for either part. Two months seems like a really long time compared to what I see most of you are doing. How do you study in such little time and pass on the first try?

    BEC - 53, 67, retake 2/28/11
    AUD - 54, retake 05/28/11
    FAR - ?
    REG - ?

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  • #237199

    I personally just graduated college, so I am studying FT…

    2 months seems reasonable while working, depends on how many hours you can get in. I've studied 80-150 hours for each part (including class time).

    However, I think it is common to never feel ready for a part. You just have to do what you can and take a go at it!

    Philadelphia CPA Review/Bisk
    AUD 7/6/10: 84 | FAR 7/19/10: 91 | BEC 8/16/10: 80 | REG 08/25/10: 99


    I'm in the same boat as almostdone for another few days. I'll be soon jumping ship to the working full time, taking 2 grad classes, and studying for regulation… I'm going to create a study schedule with important goals on it, such as finishing lectures and getting percentages on homework. Hopefully I know at this point that about 150 hrs will make me feel as comfortable as I can be going into these exams. Hopefully I'll be able to stick to the schedule but I feel like I won't be able to and already want to reschedule my exam but its at the end of my NTS already….

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    Miceli-I work 7-3 so when I get home I go straight to studying. I also study at work during lunch. On weekends, I've given up a huge amount of my weekends. I'm lucky because I have BF that cooks/cleans while I'm in this process. Its hard to keep at it, I hate going through the lectures, but its a little bit of pain for a huge amount of gain

    Good Luck!


    I work full-time and have a 10month old. It is tough. I would wait till she goes to bed and study 2 hours a night during the week and about 3 hours on the weekend. It was a nine month process for me but it is well worth it

    Reg - 89, FAR - 79, BEC -74, 82, Aud -85


    heres my study time if that helps at all

    AUD – 6 weeks about 120hrs

    REG – 6 weeks 100hrs, retake 4 weeks 80hrs

    BEC – 2 weeks 70hrs

    FAR – 5 weeks 120hrs, retake 5 weeks 80hrs

    i work full-time and am busy all year with overtime. i've made a lot of sacrifices throughout this process. the only exam i've felt good about has been AUD, all the others thought for sure i failed.

    AUD 81, REG 65 78, BEC 75, FAR 71 85(8/3/2010)


    I am about a year out of college, working full-time… I have taken and passed BEC (2 tries) & AUD (1Try). I do not keep track of hours but here is an estimate (probably less not more…):

    BEC (1) – 60hrs (4 weeks) – 73

    BEC (2) – 35hrs (2 weeks) – 81

    AUD – 60hrs (3 1/2 weeks) – 75

    I am not sure if it helps being right out of school or not, I would assume yes… I am not a very dedicated studier, but the weekend before the exam I tend to CRAM!!! some have a different mentality and do not like to study the last weekend… I guess Yaeger works for me I can't really put it any other way. I am currently studying for FAR, in my 5th of 5 weeks… have studied about 60 hrs so far and plan on another 30ish by next Tuesday…

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    I just finished college is December so it's not like I have been out of school forever, just isn't working for me.

    I don't really keep track of my hours either, I just try to get in two hours each night during the week and like eight hours each on Saturday and Sunday. Of course, that doesn't always go as planned and I guess that would be why my score was what it was for BEC. I am going to cram as much as I can today and tomorrow and hope for the best for my AUD exam on Thursday!

    I was trying to do one chapter a week and then 2-3 weeks for a final review. Apparently, that isn't enough for me. I am getting through the lectures and homework through Becker but I guess I am not retaining much. I don't consider myself a bad test taker but maybe in reality I am. LoL.

    Thanks for all of your thoughts!!

    BEC - 53, 67, retake 2/28/11
    AUD - 54, retake 05/28/11
    FAR - ?
    REG - ?

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