How do you celebrate? - Page 3

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  • #158250

    I felt as though I had to step up and post a feel-good topic on this board that’s somewhat unrelated to studying.


    How do YOU celebrate when you finish a section, find out you passed a section, or find out you’re a CPA???


    For me, the first two have always involved a few (or more) drinks with friends, coupled with good vibes that are amplified by the feeling of how blessed I am with the opportunities I’ve been given. Hopefully I’ll have an exaggerated version of this soon for the third!


    And hey, no shame! Maybe you just sit back and watch your favorite tv show, happy that it’s over… I’ve done this too, and it’s great!n


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  • #251521

    GSU Josh

    Looks like that should be happening very soon for you! Good luck with the audit re-take – one stinking question! Yikes. Good luck with BEC. It is a bit tough in that it covers a lot of diverse topics and you have to use that PC calculator. But it is fair..

    GSU Josh

    Thanks cpa journey. I'm more confident about the AUD retake than any test I've taken so far. I was very shaky the first time and still got a 74 (stupidly, my only review consisted of working Becker mc a second time). This time I skimmed/read and dug through the book for a lot more of the info and worked all Wiley test bank questions. Only issue on the exam was 3 or 4 of the crazy sims tabs, but felt like I aced mc and wc.

    Been busting it pretty good for BEC; I want to be done once and for all. Went ahead and gave myself plenty of time since I have nothing else going on. If I can handle the FAR exam I had, I can handle anything.

    AUD - 74, 87; BEC - 84; FAR - 78; REG - 79
    It's done, Son!


    I have only taken one exam so far, next one is scheduled for next week. I am hoping to find out that I passed BEC this week and then next week is the AUD exam. So the weekend after my auditing exam, if I passed BEC, I am going to relax and get caught up on some much needed rest and have some family time…then I am going to clean my house. LoL. House work is about the last thing on my list when studying. So I better get on that. Then after the free weekend I will start studying for FAR!

    BEC - 53, 67, retake 2/28/11
    AUD - 54, retake 05/28/11
    FAR - ?
    REG - ?


    I passed the last of my sections this window! I started review in August 2009, but it certainly felt like a lot longer ago than that. When that last score popped up (AUD) this past Wednesday night, I could not believe it. First thing my wife and I did was pop that champagne that I have been holding onto for just this occasion. Next week we are taking a weeks vacation, and I will not have to have flashcards or study guides with me in the car! Rest & Relaxation for the first time since I started this journey back in Fall 2006! Between working full time, school full time, and then the exam while finishing the 5th year, I, like most of you, have had NO LIFE!!! Guilt free sleep and leisure have to be the best immediate gifts from the final score!


    Celebration is my favorite part!!! lol, it starts with a scream – turns into a happy dance and then “babe get me a beer!” The AICPA/NASBA definitely does not let you enjoy it that night too much… I mean they release in the middle of the week, and at about 11:00 at night. Speaking of which I have probably woken some people up in my condo…….. lol

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    i took all of my exams during my last semester of college, so after each exam that i passed i went out and drank heavily. Now that i just passed my last exam, i will definitely go out to dinner with my entire family this weekend


    After passing:

    First exam- I think I went to church to thank god I had passed FAR.

    Second exam- I bought my first house, coicidence that it just so happen to occur a couple days after getting the results.

    Third exam- I bought a new shotgun for the upcoming “exam free” hunting season

    Fourth and final test- I am still hoping for a bonus when i get certified and plan to spend it on a trip to Reno/Lake Tahoe before tax season to visit a friend.

    FAR-1/04- 86 KAPLAN Review
    REG-5/12- 89 MN Licensed CPA
    BEC-7/17- 81 ETHICS - 100
    AUD-8/31- 85


    I found out I passed far around 1:30am (that's seriously when my stupid score finally appeared on NASBA) and I called my dad and woke him up. I had no sense of time since I had just been sitting around all night pressing refresh. I forgot how late it was. He asnwered the phone panicked thinking I was dying or something and then when I said “I Passsssed!” he was like “Oh thank god I thought you were like in an accident or something! I'm going back to bed honey, call me tomorrow”

    LOL! Then I called all my friends who are all in college and up anyway at that hour. They all congratulated me. Then I went to bed. After I passed AUD I did the same thing minus calling my dad at 1:30 in the morning. My friends at school have all nicknamed me “99” now LOL!

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    I love fast food (yes, it's awesome) but I don't eat it often because, well, it's horrible for you. Plus, I am already too damn fat for my height (5'9″ 180 lbs…I was 160 in high school). After I pass an exam I treat myself to a huge, fattening, grease fest. After I found out about REG I had Wendy's. Burger, nuggets, fries, and a pop at about 1 a.m. It was delicious.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    ^^That's freaking AWESOME!

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)

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