has anyone ever recieved two NTS's at the same time?

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  • #158463

    I applied for both BEC and FAR. I got 2 e-mails about a month later, each containing an NTS. I figured they were just sending me the same copies of the same NTS, and so i printed one out and took it to the testing center and figured i was good to go for my FAR exam. But apparently, the 2 e-mails I had received each had different Section ID #’s, and I had brought the wrong NTS with me for FAR…(luckily they let me go check my e-mail and discover that I had recieved 2 NTS’s with two different numbers on them, and so I was able to take the test). Needless to say, as this site suggests, I got a 71 on my exam. ugh. So I need to reapply. However, I have this other NTS with a different Section ID # on it that I received, and I was able to schedule a new FAR exam under that Section ID without having to reapply? Is this normal? Am I allowed to do that? Has this happened to anyone? Did I get two shots at this test for the price of 1? Has this EVER happened to anyone?

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  • #237437

    Usually the NTS will look like this:

    BEC <launch code>

    FAR <different launch code>

    I don't understand what's going on because the second NTS should be for BEC.


    yes I got two different e-mails with two different NTSs and on one it said (example numbers):

    BEC 1234567

    FAR 2345678

    while on the other e-mail my NTS said this:

    BEC 7654321

    FAR 8765432

    both had the exact same validity dates, and my name, and yeah everything about them was the same…i just got…2 of them.


    i would call and see whats going on. personally, i have not.

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