Harddrive crashed, no NTS and exam on Monday

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  • #159142

    My hard drive crashed and my NTS is gone with everything else I had on my computer. My test is Monday, do you think I can call Monday morning and have them fax a copy to the testing center?

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  • #256688

    Not sure if they can fax another in time. Did you delete the email that contained the NTS? I fowarded my email to my wifes account and my work account. I wanted to make sure I did not lose it. Good luck.

    BEC 10/05/10 84
    FAR 11/02/10 80
    AUD 11/30/10 90
    REG 02/28/11 78


    did you by any chance keep it saved in your email? hopefully you did and can just go to a different computer and print it off. goodluck!


    Public Library to print it bud!

    Aud - 65 + 79, BEC - 82, REG - 89, FAR - 86


    Eh, so you discovered the disadvantage of using POP over IMAP for e-mail. Very costly lesson.

    They won't fax the NTS, and certainly won't fax it to the testing center. That is your obligation to bring with you.

    Try giving NASBA a call in the morning, they may be able to e-mail it to you again real quickly, and just check your e-mail via webmail to download it.

    REG - 97
    BEC - 82
    FAR - 86
    AUD - 96 ... DONE!


    Isn't it emailed? OP made no indication of deleting that email. Why does POP or IMAP even come up… Hopefully you can just reprint it from the email or have NASBA send it again.

    Anyways in the future back up all important data and documents.

    Use dropbox or something to keep an offsite copy. Also look for your NTS you've printed out in the past if you have it?

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    At my testing center, they are only concerned with that number that is written on it.. the number that represents which exam you are taking. They always tell me “I just need the number that is written on it, can you write that down on the top of your scratch paper”. They never even look at the NTS.

    Maybe AICPA can get you the number… Can you go to the library to check your email to see if you saved a copy in your email?


    Ya poor guy. I know I would be freaking out. When I first got my NTS I emailed it to 5 places and printed out 2 copies. One was in my glove compartment in my car with my insurance/registration… just in case I forget on exam day



    Thanks everyone for your advice! I am freaking out. There are no times available to take it any other time throughout the window unless I try to look at other tesitng centers which are hours away. I saved it to my archive work e-mail which was lost. I had also printed out a copy and for some reason I can't find that. I believe this may be a sign!

    On Monday morning, I am going to try and call my IT department to see if they can track the e-mail I received a while back since I know they track all e-mails. If not, then I am going to call the NASBA office at 8 in the morning to see if they can e-mail another copy so I will bring my computer and maybe a printer with me to the testing site haha

    I thought my hard drive crashing was going to be the end of it but nope, it gets even worse.


    There is suppose to be a place to reprint the NTS


    FAR: 7/17/10 missed exam FML reschedule 8/29/10-77 EPIC!
    REG: 5/31/11-73 SMH, 8/31/11-85
    BEC: 4/15/10-72 : retake 10/3/10-80
    AUD: 11/28/10-74, 02/27/11-71 FML, 8/1/11-80
    Ethics 10/22/22-80, retake 11/28/11 - 88


    Thanks for the link. I don't think they will send it in time for my exam. I might just go ahead and absorb the reschedule fee and just take it 5 days later 2 hours away. Two hours isn't a huge deal and I won't have to stress about not knowing what I am going to do. Also, get more time to study!

    Good idea?


    i dont think you are allowed to reschedule when you are within 24 hours of your scheduled exam.


    I rescheduled it and it let me so I guess you are allowed. I read the confirmation of the test and it said you can not cancel within 24 hours but it didn't mention reschedule. Hopefully it works like it says haha

    I feel so much more relieved…

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