Getting a Second NTS for Next Year

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  • #158646

    When I applied to take the exam for the State of Alaska (NASBA state) this summer, I just applied for and paid for the two exams I planned to take and pass this year – REG and BEC. Luckily, after a ton of hard work, I passed both exams. Now, I plan to take AUD in January (since I am finishing up school now and have auditing this semester, only minimal study time should be needed) and FAR in May (busy season awaits and I want a LOT of time to study since this is definitely going to be my weakest area due to the huge volume of material).

    So, how do I apply to schedule just the two exams that I need to take? Do I have to send in a new application to Alaska (NASBA) with transcript and the whole nine yards (plus a new application fee)? Or, is there another simpler procedure I’m missing?

    Please advise. Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • Author
  • #240011

    Cody – since Alaska is a NASBA state….all you need to do is:

    1.) go to

    2.) click CPA Exam

    3.) select your state from the dropdown menu

    4.) click on re-exam registration

    5.) click on Apply now

    6.) Fill in your SSN as jurisdication ID and date of birth (If SSN starts with a zero, leave it out) For example..if your SSN is 011 -XX – XXXX…enter in 11 etc. etc.

    7.) Follow the rest of the screens to sign up

    Which I actually just tried for the state of Alaska and the website gave me an error message..hhmm. I am in MA and just tried my state and it worked fine. So I am not sure if something is wrong with your state?!

    Anyway, if the website doesn't work – you can always CALL NASBA (you can get the phone number from and sign up over the phone. That way is easy, too.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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