Florida licensure timeline

  • Creator
  • #184342

    Figured I’d update with a current timeline on licensure in the state of Florida, from the date of your final pass. (Assuming work experience and education are 100% complete):

    1/17/14: Took final CPA exam section

    2/3/14: Received final passing score

    2/3/14-2/4/14: Celebrated. Don’t remember much

    2/5/14: Over-nighted my stuff to the DBPR in FL; they received the next day

    2/7/14: Check cleared

    2/24/14: State of Florida received my final score from NASBA

    3/3/14: DBPR finished background check and released my license number online … it’s now official

    3/3/14 – 3/9/14: Celebrated again. Don’t remember much.

    Further info:

    Week of 3/10/14: Received paper license in mail

    Week of 3/24/14: Supposed to receive a Wall Certificate from the state of Florida

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
    A: 83
    R: 78 (expired), 77
    F: 74, 74, 80

    It's finally freaking over.

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  • #611153

    Hi Gatorbates! Thanks for posting the timeline I received my last passing score on 02/24/2014 and was wondering how long the whole process was going to take so this is perfect for me. Still have to wait a bit! Thank you for posting this!


    Awesome Gatorbates! Great motivation for me to get FAR passed!

    AUD: 73, 81! Thank you Lord!
    BEC: 73, 77! Thank you Lord! and WTB
    REG: 71, 82! Thank you Lord! and A71
    FAR: 72, 78! Thank you God and my Mommy in Heaven!

    CPA Excel, Ninja Notes & Audio, Wiley Test Bank, CPAreviewforfree


    Kricket, any way you can provide the same info for Louisiana? Gator, sorry to hijack your thread 😉


    Oh and congrats!!! You've definitely earned it!!!


    Update: Paper License and Wall Certificate both received the same day: 3/11/2014

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
    A: 83
    R: 78 (expired), 77
    F: 74, 74, 80

    It's finally freaking over.


    Wow! I really wish I lived in Florida. I got my final score the same day as you, Gator, and the state of PA JUST cashed my check today.

    F- 7/13- 84
    R- 10/13- 79
    A- 11/13- 99
    B- 1/14- 86

    Licensed in PA- 3/20/2014

    This exam ALMOST defeated me back in 2006-2008, but I came back and WON!


    Florida does have it's perks 🙂 (No ethics exam, flip flop weather during the winter, the #1 team in college basketball and football, etc).

    The main reason Florida has gotten it's act together, is because of our Governor, Rick Scott. Not getting political here, but one main focus he had coming into office was creating a more efficient, timely government process, with little waste. Part of this was revamping the DBPR (Florida licensing agency for most professions). While he's gotten drilled in the press, he has done a great job in some areas.

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
    A: 83
    R: 78 (expired), 77
    F: 74, 74, 80

    It's finally freaking over.


    Congrats!! I can't wait to start the process for my license 🙂 glad we are in Florida


    No comment Gatorbates, I've been quiet about UF since I am an FSU gal but you may have just crossed the line there, lmao!

    AUD: 73, 81! Thank you Lord!
    BEC: 73, 77! Thank you Lord! and WTB
    REG: 71, 82! Thank you Lord! and A71
    FAR: 72, 78! Thank you God and my Mommy in Heaven!

    CPA Excel, Ninja Notes & Audio, Wiley Test Bank, CPAreviewforfree


    Final score received at end of May…application sent in about one week later (had to wait to get home from vacation). Check cashed almost immediately, final score received by State sometime mid-month in June. Online website shows all areas are “Complete” including the work experience form. Application status: Work in Progress..

    July 1 – Still waiting. 🙁

    REG - Nov 4, 2013: 88
    FAR - Feb 27, 2014: 86
    AUD - April 5, 2014: 91
    BEC - May 6, 2014: 83

    Florida CPA 24 July 2014
    (Done in seven months - thank you Jesus!!)


    Quinacridone, if you don't see an update in the morning, call them! Confirm the reason for the delay and if your background check is complete.

    AUD: 73, 81! Thank you Lord!
    BEC: 73, 77! Thank you Lord! and WTB
    REG: 71, 82! Thank you Lord! and A71
    FAR: 72, 78! Thank you God and my Mommy in Heaven!

    CPA Excel, Ninja Notes & Audio, Wiley Test Bank, CPAreviewforfree


    So i guess it takes about two-three weeks for fl dept of reg. to get the final score. Do u guys think it is worth sending all of my paperwork right away or wait till they get my final passing score?

    AUD-75 YAY!!!!
    FAR- 73; 76-Feb.2014( Praise God!!!!!!!)
    BEC- 73,65,78 and I am DONE!!!!!


    Just wanted to update in case anyone else is wondering about Fl timeline:

    Found out my score from NASBA on 26th of August.

    Sent my paperwork right away to the FL dept of Bus and Reg.

    They finally got my exam scores on 9/11/14

    And issued a license right away.

    Now I am waiting to get it in the mail 🙂

    AUD-75 YAY!!!!
    FAR- 73; 76-Feb.2014( Praise God!!!!!!!)
    BEC- 73,65,78 and I am DONE!!!!!


    I am moving back to Florida this upcoming week. I am currently studying for FAR. I thought because of the various ethnic groups in Miami that getting licensed in Florida will open doors.

    Has the CPA License open doors for any of you in Florida's market?

    I left a Big 4 and Florida in 2009/2010 with no real plan. Big mistake. I was young and naive!

    I ended up taking a retail job in another state because of counsel from someone I thought had my best interest at hand. Another big mistake. Some how I stayed at this job for 2 plus years.

    Despite all this I saw some opportunities open up before me. I was able to complete an online program with living expenses paid, get a scholarship for CPAexcel, network on LinkedIn to gain 500 plus connections, and complete an Oracle functional application training. Now I am tackling the CPA exam. I plan to apply for jobs with global, national, and regional firms in South Florida in the months to come.

    I learned many lessons but some good came out of it. I am hoping for the best. I plan to do my best in South Florida.

    Is anyone working with an accounting firm currently?

    Does anyone know the culture of McGladrey in Miami?

    REG - 77 (05/30/14); Failed (11/28/09)
    BEC - TBD; Failed (05/29/09)
    FAR - 74 (04/30/15);
    AUD - TBD

    CPAexcel; NINJA Notes; NINJA Flashcards; Roger CPA Videos

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