Fired for asking an employer to verify my experience. Options?

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  • #2445924

    As the title states I was fired for asking my former employer of a CPA firm I worked for to verify my 11 months of work in tax ( I had over a month already verified from an internship). I called the Maryland state board and they said there was nothing they could do and that was there was no course of action against my employer. Worse of all they brought me back in a week later and claimed they would sign off on my experience if I wrote a letter of resignation, which I stupidly did.

    Right now I am at a loss for what to do. I realize a year isn’t that long, but I’ve already met all the other requirements and should be a CPA.

    I’ve found two possible solutions:
    One is transferring scores to California, which seems to have a recourse against employers that do this exact thing, however I don’t meet their education requirements and would have to take a bunch of courses.

    The other is NASBA experience verification. Unfortunately after a talk with the coordinator they said there is nothing they can do to require an employer to sign off. I suppose the main benefit is that the form comes from NASBA themselves so it seems more official and it only asks to verify date of employment (so it might go to HR versus a partner).

    Neither of these options seem ideal, but I am leaning towards NASBA verification from NH. I am wondering if anyone knows of a state other than California that provides some sort of recourse to rectify situations like this.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • #2446032

    I'm sure the employment securities division in Maryland would be interested to learn that your former employer essentially extorted your resignation to save on their SUTA tax rate. Your employer clearly doesn't want you to file for unemployment assistance.

    In the long run, it may work out for you. You won't have to explain a firing and you'll have the full year you need and the verification.

    Let me add that I highly doubt you just got fired for asking for experience verification. Most likely you had a hand in this as well based on job performance, etc. I CAN'T POSSIBLY KNOW THAT, but it seems like common sense. But that's not relevant.

    My advice is get the verification via the resignation and then inform the employment securities division in Maryland that it was a forced/extorted resignation. They'll love that!!

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    I'm am really curious about what happened. Why would they fire you simply for asking them to verify your employment? That doesn't make any sense at all. If anything, they can just say they don't want to sign off because they don't feel you meet the requirements befitting a CPA. And then to extort a resignation from you? What? This all sounds really odd.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    The type of partner who howls at employees for small mistakes, has security called for employees that are leaving after a decade of work, badmouths pretty much every employee who used to work there, and other childish antics. I remember in my second week I said hello and asked how he was doing and he just walked away without saying anything. 10 mins later he came back to me and said I owed him lunch because he bills at 500/hour and I was wasting his time. My performance was about on par with colleges I generated about 3 times my salary in firm revenue. Regardless even if my performance sucked, they could have made a note of this and checked the box saying they could not signed off on the experience. That wouldn't be good, but at least I would have had the opportunity to argue otherwise.

    Anyways, I am trying to move forward rather than dwell on the past.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    I have worked for some serious whack-jobs in my past but none like that. You owe him lunch for asking him how he was doing. That's just wonderful. LOL
    Hopefully they do sign off on your papers and you obtain licensure. If anything, at least you passed the exams and that will definitely be a plus for you on your resume/interviews.
    Sounds like it could have been stressful working there at times especially if you had to interact with him.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    I absolutely admire you for just being there for 11 months.

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