FAR Score Released in Sep Still At Advisory Status ??

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  • #158917

    My FAR score is still showing as advisory since Sep22. I would have thought it should be finalized by now.

    Is anyone having the same status from the Jul/Aug release? Any advice will be great.

    Many thanks in advance.

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  • #255409

    I'm in California and took BEC in July and REG in August. Both my scores are still showing as advisory scores. I took FAR and AUD during the Apr-May window and those scores didn't change to the final ones until July 20. So I expect the July/August scores to be finalized before the end of the month.

    I spoke to the CA Board a couple of days ago and to make matters worse, it apparently takes 6-8 weeks after your scores are finalized for the Board to send you a congratulatory letter and transfer your file from the exam to the licensing unit. Which means there's no point in sending in your application before that because it will just sit on somebody's desk until the information is received from the exam unit. It might actually take me longer to get a license than it did to pass all the exams 🙂


    Hi NorCal,

    Thanks so much for your advice. Makes me breathe a little easier. 🙂

    Congratulations on passing all exams and on the way to become CPA. That feeling must be indescribable!!


    My wave1 scores have been posted as official on August 26 (as soon as wave1 release was over).

    My BEC score (taken on 8/31 and released on 9/16 on the CBA website) was posted as official on 10/13.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    OK, this is getting ridiculous. I've now been waiting for over 2 months for my BEC advisory score to be posted to my official record and over a month for my REG score. And nobody at the CA Board's Exam Unit is answering the phone or emails. I understand they have furlough Fridays but how long does it really take to post scores to one's record?

    Just venting….


    Ya, ive had to wait 1.5months to 1 weeks. Just depends if they bother to do it…

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

    Bob Moritz, CPA

    I called them because I had the same concerns and seeing that I got a 75 on FAR I wanted to make sure that was locked in 😉 They left me a voicemail yesterday saying that it would become official in about another two weeks.



    Thanks everyone for your kind advices.

    My FAR score has finally posted final and received credit on Oct 28!

    For those who are waiting, hope your are credited too ! 🙂

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