Guessing on FAR Exam

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  • #158817

    Well, I took the FAR exam last Friday. My teslets seemed to keep getting easier and easier which, based on many of the posts on this site, is a problem because the test is adaptive. Also, I had to guess on quite a few tabs on my simulations. Has anyone else had to guess on sim tabs? Other than that, I think I just need to prepare better next time. I felt prepared, but I also felt overwhelmed by the amount of information. I can understand a few chapters and then when I do the next few chapters, I forget the first ones that I was comfortable with. Oh well, I will get it one day.

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  • #254709

    I wouldn't get too hung up on whether the questions were hard enough or not. Even on the Hard sections, every question is not harder, its just that there is a higher average difficulty. Theoretically, you could have all Medium questions and then one question so impossible that it bumped the average up to Hard. You could also look on the bright side and believe that the questions were easier later on because you nailed the harder materials in your study.

    On FAR, my problem with the simulations wasn't that I didn't know the material, but that I couldn't figure out how to answer the question. I'm pretty sure that every one of my FAR simulations was worded so weirdly that I had to guess what they were asking. So…maybe they don't even grade the simulations. On REG, I actually had a simulation tab on material that I had never seen before…ever-not in school, not in Becker, not ever. So that was a situation were I definitely had to guess. But don't get too worried about it, some of the M/C and simulation tabs are there on a test basis and don't count for or against you. You really just can't know until you get your scores. Try not to worry about it.

    FAR - 98; AUD - 94; REG - 95; BEC - Waiting;
    Becker Scholarship for Success (I got it free :))

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