Failed REG multiple times!

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  • #156652

    This was my 3rd time i failed it again uhhhhhhhhh 🙁

    This time i was confident 🙁

    REG 59, 74, 69

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  • #231225

    Don't worry, you aren't alone.

    I just failed REG for my third time, too. I've only studied seriously for REG for the last two times I've sat. I was most disappointed with this last time because I thought my study material didn't adequately prepare me for the simulation questions this time around. It was confirmed when I scored even worse this last time than I did the other two times I sat for REG. I came out of the exam not remembering certain types of questions being covered, or only very lightly covered. I reviewed the topics from my study material when I got home and noted that for one simulation tab, less than 10 MCQ were provided and they were not very similar to how they were asked/presented in the sims. Another simulation tab had only one similar MCQ associated with it… even if I had put more time into studying I knew it would still be an uphill battle. It probably doesn't help that my [employer provided] study material is a 2007 edition and that since I was laid off last year I do not receive any of the update supplements.

    Between the aged study material and the questionable usefulness, it has bugged me enough that I think I am going to shell out a few hundred $$$ for new REG material from a different study program so that I can (hopefully) pass REG.


    Can anyone confirm that the REG simulations are in the new format like FAR where there are multiple tabs and each tab is a different topic?? I am retaking REG in 2 weeks and want to make sure that's what the simulations are going to be like.

    BEC 75 - REG 74, 88 - FAR 74,89 - AUD 92



    I failed both AUD and FAR 3 times (and hopefully AUD won't be 4). Re-evaluate your materials, and look at the performance for MCQs/Sims/Writing. Study everything again, but emphasize your weaker areas. When I got a 73 on FAR, the report told me I was weaker in MCQs and I just did many many many reps of MCQs via Gleim (only 60 bucks) until I was sick. I passed with a 84.



    Yes, the similations for FAR and REG do have multiple tabs with different topics. You are going to want a lot of time to do the sims especially for reg and far. My suggesion is to study multiple choice really really hard so you can get through them qucikly on the test and have more time for the sims.


    Thanks Glenda

    I just got my FAR score this morning…74. That's a 74 on REG, and now a 74 on FAR, and both times I would soley attribute my failure due to performance on the simulations. I was completely prepared for the questions on each test, but I definitely ran out of time on FAR for the sims. Other than alotting for more time, I have absolutely NO idea how to prepare for these new sims. The reading requirements alone for the FAR sims were out of control. I think I'm going to just shotgun retake FAR after REG and hopefully I can be passed them both in a month. I've been using Becker, and I'm going to a live simulation class… does anyone have any knowledge about them?


    BEC 75 - REG 74, 88 - FAR 74,89 - AUD 92



    Agreed. This was my first exam, but I thought the REG Sims were tough. I did the MCQs in about 40 minutes, and got scared that I thought I went too fast. By the time I finished the Sims, I had about 8 minutes left. I suppose they are 30% of the exam grade, but they took longer and had a lot of various material that you needed to know. If anything, the 'writing' section was the easiest part.

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)



    that sucks


    Ugh, I just got my score for REG for the Q4 2009 window. I failed with a 72. I will have to take REG a 5th time (yes, that is not a typo)! Talk about ruining my holiday. This is my last section left to pass. I need to pass it soon before I start losing credits.


    Passed REG in the Q2 2010 window with an 81! I didn't lose any credits though it took me nearly the entire 18 months since passing my first section. Good luck to all!


    For what it's worth, 3 of my tabs on the REG exam were related…

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