Extent of Exam Study Preparation

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  • #156580

    Hi Everyone,

    I am looking for some input on this question. Is it at all possible to study for all four sections of the exam and pass them within a two month period of time while holding down a full time job and getting the suggested 8 hours of sleep per night? I would add more detail and background to my question, but I dont want it to skew any responses. I just want to hear opinions.


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  • #209316

    I would say while anything is possible – this scenario is unlikely (esp with the 8 hours of sleep :))… I took and passed 3 so far- I studied separately for each one. Of course – background and experience do matter a lot, but you'd have to have experience in a lot of difference areas in order to be able to cover/review everything in 2 months.


    I agree with anastasiaps – I work full time & have to get my 8 hours of sleep, and it took me an average of 8 weeks per section to study. I took one exam per testing window and it has worked pretty well for me (w/ exception of the first REG test after I had a death in the family). I think you could do 2 perhaps, but it would be darn near impossible to cram all 4 into 2 months.


    You could also approach this mathematically…

    Let's say you are very organized, have very sharp memory and some industry knowledge, and are able to sacrifice your evenings and weekends.

    For example, Wiley suggests on average 75 hours per section with their self-study program.

    You have approximately two weeks per part

    2-3 hours on weekday (depending on your work schedule)

    8 hours on a weekend day

    that gives us… about 62 hours per section?.. (it's late and my counting abilities are greatly reduced by Nyquill)

    So, I have to agree with posts above: even though anything in this world is possible – this is going to be something nearly impossible… I'd love to find out if anyone could do it.


    Yeah I have a friend back east who is trying to do this. He is smart but I told him this was a bad idea. He said about thirty hours per section would do it for him. I don't know though.


    If you can do it, you are a genius. You would be living and breathing exam material for 2 months without a break though. I know for me, I had to take at least a week off after an exam just to wind down and relax after such a beating. So, no, I personally would not recommend doing it. My limit was 2 sections during a testing period (REG & BEC)…and I just graduated college so I haven't even started working full time yet. But good luck anyways!!



    I wouldn't say its impossible…I just came to know of a person who did all four section in about a month of preparation….but he was a CA back in his country. If you have a similar background and have appeared similar tests before, you could do it too….but i agree with the rest, dont take chances! Good luck to you, whatever you decide to do!


    Want to appear for audit exam in february 2010. please suggest a time table so as to complete my studies by end of january 2010. is it possible to complete within such a short time?

    FAR - 87 (10/01/2009); REG - 85 (10/05/2009); BEC - 88 (10/06/2009); AUD - FEB 2010

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