Experience Verification Q

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  • #2398791

    Passed all 4 parts and I’m looking to apply for license in NJ. I definitely have the req’d experience but the bulk of it was at a company (private – non-accounting industry) that was merged (acquired) into a larger firm in 2013 and that firm was subsequently bought out by another in 2017. None of the original accounting staff survived the merger so there is no one at the current entity who can attest to experience on company letterhead. I was the Asst Controller in the accounting dept at the time. The controller had no CPA. And cannot track down the former CFO (CPA). How do I relay this info & experience (+5 years) to State Board? I’m sure others have had similar experience to mine.

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  • #2401239

    @Kev959 – I am not in your situation, but I did have to call the NJ board to ask questions about what experience they needed on my application (career change, in my case). I found them to be helpful. I'd suggest you call them and explain the situation. They may have a suggestion on how to get around this paperwork wise, as you do have the experience. Surely it's not in your control that the company is not in the same form as you left it years ago.

    As well, maybe others can chime in. Best of luck!


    While you have the experience are you sure it's the one that will be accepted by your state board? Many states require that you be working for CPA for ex amount of years. In your case you said there was no cpa's there . I will second Kimberly said and call the board. You might have to get a job actually working for CPA before you can get your license.


    I worked for a period of time for a CPA firm that was later merged into a CPA firm I was already working at (because I left the other). All my personnel records and time information were gone and the people I directly worked with all quit so I was in a similar situation. There really is nothing you can do in my state and I have never heard of the qualification committee of my state board granting somebody an exception to a year of general experience under a CPA requirement. Your only option is to go find another CPA to work under who will sign for you – and if you leave, will keep in touch with you.

    Sorry that is the reality. The state board would advise you at best, to go track down the CFO.

    Your CFO must have been an ACTIVE CPA during the time you worked there to qualify. I highly doubt your CFO was an ACTIVE CPA because of the incremental additional cost and the CPE continuing professional education requirements CPAs need to go through every year (it is a pain, and an additional cost outside of public accounting to maintain).


    I hadn't worked under a CPA in over a decade when I passed the exam. My state board allowed me to use our auditors, who had reviewed my work for the past decade, as my experience verification. If you can't find someone who you worked for directly, think outside the box. Has the same auditors been reviewing your work annually? Does a CPA on your board of directors review your financials monthly?

    FAR 04/11/2016 - 84
    AUD 05/12/2016 - 79
    BEC 07/06/2016 - 81
    REG 08/29/2016


    If the CFO was a CPA I would think you can find them through your states CPA verification website if they are still active.
    Dig harder.

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