Ethics Exam Question

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  • #159283

    Can I take the Ethics exam before completing all 4 parts of the CPA exam? I’m currently waiting for my last FAR score and it looks like I got bumped to Wave 2. I want to know if I can use this time to get Ethics over with. Thanks in advance for your help.

    AUD - Passed; REG - Passed; BEC - Passed; FAR - PASSED!!!

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  • #258213

    Right there with you! Waiting on FAR! Here's to hoping for passing scores so that we can put a tile up in our offices! 🙂

    Aud - 65 + 79, BEC - 82, REG - 89, FAR - 86


    Just did some research… You can take Ethics whenever you like but the passing score is only good for 2 years. Thus, if you still need to fulfill other requirements before applying for licensure, make sure the ethics score doesn't expire.

    On a side note: While searching for answers, I found a link to “Answers for the Ethics Exam”. LOL. I couldn't click to see the contents as I was being “ethical”, but found it hilarious and ironic. =)

    @thorsbew – I hold my breath everytime I log into check my score… I might have a heart attack if I keep this up. Good luck to you!!

    AUD - Passed; REG - Passed; BEC - Passed; FAR - PASSED!!!

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