Education requirement

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  • #158401

    Has anyone found any good online places to take some classes besides the distant learning at LSU? I have already taken the two classes from there that I can and still need 2 more ACC 300 level classes thanks to Arizona State University not requiring enough to graduate.n


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  • #237111

    has anyone tried using Becker home study for credit?
    nI think i rememebr years ago before the exam format changed that the becker classes counted as 6 upper level credits but back then you did not need as many credits to get your cert.
    nsomeone i know printed their scores for each section of becker home study and put each section on a spreadsheet with the rest of their classes. I think he indicated each section of becker to be three credits…he was 2 classes shy and apparently AZ board accepted it…..this is way way secondhand info so dont count on this info working or even being accurate but to me it might be worth a try
    nto me tho they should give you credit for using a course…ive learned way more in the courses then i did in any one accounting class i took in college
    nin any event if you try it and it does not work you can always just go take the classes….i did confirm with az board that once you pass all 4 sections they are good forever so you would have time to get your credits…n



    Check out Indiana University's online and distance education. Good selection of courses.


    19th ranked undergraduate business school in the nation in 2010! (BusinessWeek)



    -Passed all four sections of CPA exam in 2010 using Becker.
    -Former Seasonal Audit Senior with Big Four accounting firm.
    -Plan to sit for Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS)


    I took Becker through Keller Graduate for credit. I double majored in Accounting and Finance so I had my 150, but since I only had 22 upper level accounting courses for undergrad, FAR, AUD, and REG took care of the 30 hr requirement. I believe the only way you can get credit through Becker is if you take live courses at a location that is accepted for upper level credit courses. I tried to take REG at a closer location to me since I lived outside of the metro area but they told me I would not get credit for that. Its pretty much like registering for an MBA bc since I didnt do too hot in english and math core classes in college, I had to do a 20 mc algebra (OMG do i hate algebra) and an essay before I was considered enrolled through Keller. Doing Becker through Keller vs just Becker live course is the exact same, but you have 10 question m/c per chapter and have to get a 50% which is not hard at all.n


    FAR (Feb. '10) - 83
    REG (Apr. '10) - 88
    BEC (May '10) - 79
    AUD (Aug '10) - 80


    I took online class at UMASS for my MBA but they have a real nice selection of undergrad courses as welln


    Reg - 89, FAR - 79, BEC -74, 82, Aud -85


    has anyone tried using Becker home study for credit?

    I think i rememebr years ago before the exam format changed that the becker classes counted as 6 upper level credits but back then you did not need as many credits to get your cert.

    someone i know printed their scores for each section of becker home study and put each section on a spreadsheet with the rest of their classes. I think he indicated each section of becker to be three credits…he was 2 classes shy and apparently AZ board accepted it…..this is way way secondhand info so dont count on this info working or even being accurate but to me it might be worth a try

    to me tho they should give you credit for using a course…ive learned way more in the courses then i did in any one accounting class i took in college

    in any event if you try it and it does not work you can always just go take the classes….i did confirm with az board that once you pass all 4 sections they are good forever so you would have time to get your credits…


    Check out Indiana University's online and distance education. Good selection of courses.

    19th ranked undergraduate business school in the nation in 2010! (BusinessWeek)

    -Passed all four sections of CPA exam in 2010 using Becker.
    -Former Seasonal Audit Senior with Big Four accounting firm.
    -Plan to sit for Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS)


    I took Becker through Keller Graduate for credit. I double majored in Accounting and Finance so I had my 150, but since I only had 22 upper level accounting courses for undergrad, FAR, AUD, and REG took care of the 30 hr requirement. I believe the only way you can get credit through Becker is if you take live courses at a location that is accepted for upper level credit courses. I tried to take REG at a closer location to me since I lived outside of the metro area but they told me I would not get credit for that. Its pretty much like registering for an MBA bc since I didnt do too hot in english and math core classes in college, I had to do a 20 mc algebra (OMG do i hate algebra) and an essay before I was considered enrolled through Keller. Doing Becker through Keller vs just Becker live course is the exact same, but you have 10 question m/c per chapter and have to get a 50% which is not hard at all.

    FAR (Feb. '10) - 83
    REG (Apr. '10) - 88
    BEC (May '10) - 79
    AUD (Aug '10) - 80


    I took online class at UMASS for my MBA but they have a real nice selection of undergrad courses as well

    Reg - 89, FAR - 79, BEC -74, 82, Aud -85

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