Domestic NASBA Experience Verification Service??

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  • #2117490

    Hey guys,

    Has anyone utilized the NASBA Experience Verification Service domestically? I’m looking to get my license through NH, but I’ve gone 7 years without working directly for a CPA in my private company, though I’ve worked a variety of accounting-intensive roles. While NH appears to require you to have a supervising CPA sign off, it seems this NASBA service offers an alternative, where a CPA interviews you and makes the call. From what I’ve read in other forums, I’m fairly confident I would “pass” the interview.

    Given that it’s a $500 outlay, just wondering if anyone else has gone this same route? Can this truly be utilized in lieu of other experience verification forms?

    PS- I have tried emailing both NH and the Experience Verification email, but with no response…

    Thank you!

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  • #2117505

    I think it depends on the state so you'll have to keep digging.
    Some states accept it, some do not.
    Is there someone in the chain in your current organization either laterally or vertically who might be considered to have a supervisory role over your work, perhaps indirectly?
    Obviously the wording on your states forms/application will be rather specific, just trying to brain storm ideas that might fit the model.


    I mean… each of these states get to choose whether or not they accept NASBA Experience Verification and New Hampshire appears to be on the list so I don't see why they would have any issues accepting it. As you state it would come down to whether or not you qualify according to NASBA and from my experience they seemed fairly relaxed on what qualifies.

    For what it is worth – I recently went through the process and applied to Washington State as a non-resident (with the NASBA Experience process) because my state does not currently participate and I had no real options for direct supervisor sign-off. The interviewer mentioned that she sees that pretty regularly and as long as I am not opening up a practice or signing off on audit reports etc. I likely wouldn't run into issues using the certification in my state. That being said – I didn't really plan on using it for much other than leverage when speaking with auditors/examiners in the financial institution sector.

    Also – I generally found that calling resulted in a quicker response. Try giving that a shot if you really want to clarify before dishing out $500 of your (or your company's) money. All-in-all I would say that it was well worth the fee for my circumstance.


    Oh, one other thing. I also received my confirmation and license number from the Washington State Accountancy Board like 4 or 5 days after providing proof of all my other required documentation (transcripts, ethics verification, etc). By far the quickest turn-around time I have heard of while browsing some of the “processing time” threads on here.


    @echendrickson thank you for the insight! It sounds like your experience is spot-on to what I'm hoping will happen. I'll be sure to give the NASBA Experience Verification number a call today if I find out I passed my final exam (fingers crossed).

    Thanks again

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