Does this make sense (passing rates)?

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  • #157951

    So I have read that the passing rates for the exams consistently stay at somewhere between 43-48% or somewhere in there.

    So with these last 2 windows before 2011, means there will probably be a pretty big increase of people trying to take the exam. Meaning, in order to keep the pass rates at that average, more people are going to pass (not more people % wise, but more people # wise)

    I will also take a guess that some people trying to get some test in before 2011 and so they will rush and may not be prepared.

    So, as long as you actually put in the effort and stay ahead of the pack, you have a better shot at passing in these next 2 windows. That is my theory. Haha anything to get my mindstate that I am going to pass FAR in less than 2 weeks.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

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  • #231241

    I'm taking FAR in 3 weeks and I'm basically losing it. I go from “Yes, I can do this, I will just focus and study and drill this into my head” to “I am doomed… just doomed” then back to “I think I can” and back again to “There is no way I can pass this.” Haha.


    If the scores are curved, definitely a well-prepared candidate has an ever bigger chance to pass….

    But….are they curved?

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    Financeguy, I thought the same thing. Since I helped others pass with my sorry score in Q2, I hope karma will be kind to me Q3 πŸ™‚

    zuziniko, just remember FAR is a gross amount of material, but if you have a grasp on the concepts, you can do it. Do lots of practice questions to be familiar with the call of the question. The actual exam questions didn't seem as bad as the study questions. Just have confidence when you go in (I didn't, but will next time) you can handle it.


    It is my understanding that the exam is NOT curved. But that was just from reading a FAQ on the AICPA site. Who knows they might always tweak scores around.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Definately agree more people will sit for the exam before 2011… Under “normal” circumstances the pass rate is 43- 48%, but if many people aren't “normally” prepared as in the past due to the mad rush to sit before 2011, I think the pass rates will dip below 43-48%, maybe 38% – 43%……

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!


    Q1 usually has the lowest passing percentages but that may change this year. Should be very interesting.


    Yes, I am also striving to pass it this year and will probably take FAR not completely prepared and only leave 2 weeks for BEC prep. I have 2 windows until the end of this year so I would rather not miss a slight chance of passing any of them in Jul-Aug. Even if I only pass just one in Jul-Aug, it's still a good thing for me. REG is the one that is changing the least, so I will push it back as much as needed. Good luck to everyone taking the test!

    CPAwannaBE, i've been following your posts since i joined 2 weeks ago hehe! I absolutely love another71 (and sure hope 71 will not be my score!).


    I just keep waiting for someone to tell me to get off the forum and go study, then maybe I'd pass!

    I really do study, this forum is my study break/reward for completing a task πŸ™‚

    Good luck and happy studying. July is almost here.

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