CPA Review: Do you give yourself a rest?

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  • #157904

    Today I feel drained and exhausted to the point that even coffee doesn’t help anymore. My body tells me to get some rest; my mind says to step up and study. I was thinking to go and get some cardio done to boost my energy level but I am really dragging my feet. Do you give yourself a rest? I am thinking to take tonight off but I am feeling guilty already. What do you guys do?

    BEC 08/2010; AUD 10/2010;
    REG 01/2011; FAR 04/2011

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  • #229488
    The GaJone

    Yes, and quite frequently to be honest. Sometimes I would take even 3 or 4 days off at a time. If you're burnt out and know you won't retain a lot of info, then take some time off and recharge the batteries. I of course don't recommend slacking off completely, but still, you have to stay fresh. I just don't believe it's efficient at all to study when your brain is fried.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    Well, it depends at what point of studying and how close you are to the exam. It's hard to give a definitive suggestions based on this. But anways yeah I mean even the day before the test I took breaks. Normally while I study i take 10-15 minute breaks that I subconsciously take such as going to a website or just little video game sessions for 30 minutes. I dont really plan out my breaks im more about doing what I feel. So yes, take breaks otherwise the material probably will not get absorbed as easily.


    I am two months away from my first exam. I took a break last night and didn’t study. Fell asleep instead.  Today I feel so much better! I do feel a little guilty but I promised myself to study really hard on the weekend. I guess we all need a break from time to time.

    BEC 08/2010; AUD 10/2010;
    REG 01/2011; FAR 04/2011


    You definitely need to take breaks every once in a while. If you study every single day for hours at a time, you will burn out eventually and stop retaining information. When I was studying for my previous parts, I tried to notice points in my study sessions where I was just simply reading text / hearing (not listening to) lectures / and staring off into space when working MCQs. Once that happens, you are done. There is no sense in sitting in front of your computer for an hour staring into space. That time is better spent resting.

    Quick and simple answer: Give yourself breaks here and there and you will feel better and most likely perform better. Obviously when you get closer to your test date, step it up a bit, but still take small breaks!

    Becker Review Course - Done!!

    BEC - 77, REG - 88, AUD - 90, FAR - 83


    I guess everyone needs a break. I noticed if I study non-stop, I get to the point when I have to re-read questions a few times before I can understand what they are asking.

    BEC 08/2010; AUD 10/2010;
    REG 01/2011; FAR 04/2011

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