Delaware Experience help! - Page 3

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  • #158954

    I hold a Bachelor of sciences in Business Administration(140 credit) . I’m a Pennsylvania candidate for the CPA exam. I’m considering transferring my credits to Delaware once I pass all 4 sections.


    1.) I want to get your opinion on whether or not my current work experience meets the requirement in Delaware.


    2.) My immediate supervisor is not a CPA, however his supervisor(CFO) or accounting managers I work with have CPA, whether or not they can sign off my my form?


    Thanks! I really appreciate for your input.


    Experience listed below


    Prior role-Corporate Accounting Associate-1 year, included the following responsibilities
    n *Statements of Cash Flow Consolidation/preparation/review
    n *Corporate Inter-company reconciliations
    n *B/S Flux Analysis


    Business Planning & Financial Analysis Group- current, included the following responsibilities
    n *Financial Statement variance Analysis
    n *Reconciliation of press release supports with the Financial Statement
    n *budgeting, forecasting, reportingn


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  • #255466

    or you can apply in Puerto Rico, which has no work experience requirement, but you do need 150 credits.

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Thanks Herbert and Superking! Will look into applying in Puerto Rico


    Even if your immediate supervisor wasn't/isn't a CPA based on the office hierarchy or work titles, the CFO or whomever signs your experience verification forms can also claim that he/she worked directly with you (b/c let's say your immediate non-CPA supervisor was a boob), hence the “immediate supervision.” I can't imagine that state accountancy boards have that much time to sift through and verify office hierarchy charts, work titles and responsibilities, management relationships and office politics unless the boards suspect the experience forms were filled out fraudulently.

    If you decide to certify from another state, it's like applying from scratch again, with your school transcripts. What can be a little hairy is that an out-of-state's accountancy board may or may not immediately understand and accept your academic credentials. Often, a state accountancy board understands and has already cleared accounting classes, program and curriculum with college accounting departments within its own borders and jurisdiction. I'd imagine that states located near each other have plenty of overlap so some of that complexity has eased.

    License reciprocation – if you're a CPA in one state and looking to be a CPA in another state – is definitely easier than initial licensing from a state that's different from where your college is located. Some state accountancy boards do list states that license reciprocation is acceptable from.

    I really can't pass again!



    How is the Board of PA giving you the runaround? I saw that you ahve 3 years of audit experience. Can you give us some more details as to why they're giving you a hard time.


    Hey CouldPassAgain,

    I never received anything from the PA State Board when I passed in February and I had no clue what I had to do. So around April I started calling them to find out why I didn't receive any information and what forms I had to submit. I did that for about a month…they told me I had to speak to this person, I constantly got put on hold and was getting no where. Found a link on this website which told me the form to fill out. Now as far as the experience goes, I work at KPMG in Barbados and I am not sure if they are going to accept the one my Supervisor filled out (who is a CPA) because I haven't heard anything back from them and its not November. In my opinion, this seems just as stressful as when I was studying for the exams.



    If you have 3 years of audit experience under a CPA, you should be ok. I wouldn't worry about it. How long has it been since you sent in your application?

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