Delaware Experience help!

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  • #158954

    I hold a Bachelor of sciences in Business Administration(140 credit) . I’m a Pennsylvania candidate for the CPA exam. I’m considering transferring my credits to Delaware once I pass all 4 sections.


    1.) I want to get your opinion on whether or not my current work experience meets the requirement in Delaware.


    2.) My immediate supervisor is not a CPA, however his supervisor(CFO) or accounting managers I work with have CPA, whether or not they can sign off my my form?


    Thanks! I really appreciate for your input.


    Experience listed below


    Prior role-Corporate Accounting Associate-1 year, included the following responsibilities
    n *Statements of Cash Flow Consolidation/preparation/review
    n *Corporate Inter-company reconciliations
    n *B/S Flux Analysis


    Business Planning & Financial Analysis Group- current, included the following responsibilities
    n *Financial Statement variance Analysis
    n *Reconciliation of press release supports with the Financial Statement
    n *budgeting, forecasting, reportingn


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  • #255436

    I need 2 years of experience(for Delaware) listed…


    •Engagements resulting in the preparation and issuance of financial statements,
    nincluding appropriate footnote disclosures, and prepared in accordance with
    ngenerally accepted accounting principles or other comprehensive bases of
    naccounting as defined in the standards established by the American Institute of
    nCertified Public Accountants. “Standards” shall include generally accepted
    nauditing standards and/or Statements on Standards for Accounting and Review
    nServices (SSARS), appropriate to the level of engagement. “Standards” shall
    ninclude generally accepted auditing standards and/or Statements on Standards
    nfor Accounting and Review Services (SSARS), appropriate to the level of


    Experience in internal audit may be used in lieu of or in addition to the
    nexperience above.n



    I am also a PA candidate in the same circumstance. I have over 3 years of experience in internal audit. One of the requirements in PA is for you to have at least 800 hours of attest experience (which I do). But my immediate supervisor was not a CPA, but a higher up reviewer was a CPA. I know of someone who had the office managing partner at a big 4 sign off on the experience and they supervise over 1000+ people. There's no way they can be the immediate supervisor of the person who got their form signed. So I don't think the “immediate” supervisor issue would be an issue for you. But I think you need some audit experience in there.n



    CouldPassAgain , I'm trying to see if there is anyway I can bypass the audit hours…hence for the Delaware license.


    If not, I'm going to Community College to take 10 credits hours, to get up to 150 hours requirement and apply for Illinois or Colorado.n



    If you are a PA candidate and working in PA wouldn't you want to be licensed in PA not Delaware or Illinois? Or doesn't it matter?n



    Well you could get licensed in another state and then apply for you license in your current state if your licensed state meets the requirements of your current state.n





    I dont' know if you can bypass it. I read the PA laws. And even if you have the 150 hours or a Masters, you still need 400 hours of attest experience. I talked to some lady at the Board of Accountancy and she was telling me your experience verifier needs to be your immediate supervisor. But I think that can be misleading. I think it can be anyone who is responsible for your work.n





    Right I understand what you are saing but my interpretation of “superking's” question is that he is taking the exam in PA and working in PA(??) but wants to get licensed in another state because he doesn't have the required experience (i.e. attest hours) to get licensed in PA. Are there any issues with someone working in PA but having a license in another state? OR does holding a license in one state (Delaware) and working in a different state (PA) not matter? Are there cons to this??


    Just some thoughts.n



    car16015- Yes, PA license would be nice, but I lack the audit hours(400 or 800).


    The way I see it is,


    PA CPA license matter
    n1) Practice public accounting in PA
    n2) Open your own firm
    n3) Sign off on the audit paper


    #2 and #3 is very unlikely, but #1 is a potential.


    I'm getting CPA more of as a credential in the futre. I was just in the job market couple months ago, it seems like most employers prefer
    n1) public accounting experience particularly at the big four
    n#2 mba or cpa license(or candidate)


    So for me, CPA is more of credential that will open more doors, I don't think matters which state I get it at? What you guys think?


    Currently I'm a Business planning & financial analyst…n



    CouldPassAgain- by pass it, I mean obtaining CPA in another state such as Illinois, Colorado, or New York? yes, you would still need the 400 audit hours if you have 150 credits.


    car16015- I don't see any cons, unless you practice public accounting/sign off audit paper/ open your own firm.


    My previous supervisor was CA CPA, her supervisor was South Africa Chartered Accountant I think(industry). During one of my interviews, this accounting manager, he was a Illinois CPA, and he was encouraging one of his staff to get CPA from Delaware(because being in the industry it is a bit hard to get 400 or 800 hours in PA unless you do a rotation).n



    I found the state to obtain license.


    nOld rule was
    n120+ credit with 1 year of public accounting/internal audit
    nor 150+ credit with no experience needed


    New Rule- Effective October 30, 2010
    n120+ credit with 1 year of any relevant experience(financial advisory, mgmt consulting, tax, audit/accounting, )
    nor 150+ credit with no experience needed



    July 2, 2010 — cscpa
    nOn July 1, 2010 the Colorado State Board of Accountancy adopted emergency rules to implement the new experience requirement as passed by the Colorado General Assembly and signed by Gov. Bill Ritter, April 21. The emergency rules will be in effect for 120 days – through October 29, 2010. The State Board will hold a regular public rule-making hearing, probably in early September, to consider permanent rules which would go into effect after October 29, 2010. The public is invited to participate in the rule-making process through submission of written comments and testimony at the hearing. For information on the proposed permanent rules and the scheduled rule-making hearing, go to the State Board Web site. Details should be posted by mid-August.


    The major change in the experience requirement: a candidate may gain experience by working in public accounting, industry, education, or government. The rule that industry experience be “independent” has been repealed. .As soon as the new rules are available, they’ll be posted at here. In the meantime, Colorado CPA candidates are encouraged to wait for the new application to be available as it will incorporate all the changes necessary to conform with the new rules. We expect that new application to be in place in August.n



    Hey Superking! I am in the same situation as you. I registered to take all four exams in PA and now that I have passed my exam I am having problems with the Verification of Experience. I worked as a Tax Associate at KPMG in Phildelphia and transferred to Barbados where I have worked for 3 years as an Auditor and I am starting to get the run around with the Board to obtain my license. So how would I apply for licensure in Illinois? What papers would I have to fill out? I just want to put those initials behind my last name so if I want to apply for other jobs I would be licensed. This seems like more stress than taking the actual exams!n



    Stacy – I have not begun the process yet(still waiting for my last section). If you worked as a auditor? Shouldn't your experience be counted for PA? If you're planning to stay in Public Accounting in PA, I think its best to get your license in the state you plan working..


    You need to transfer your exam credit to Colorado or Illinois. Also need to take an ethics exam if you haven't done so.
    nAlso send your transcripts to that state.. and start filling out their application…n



    or you can apply in Puerto Rico, which has no work experience requirement, but you do need 150 credits.n


    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Thanks Herbert and Superking! Will look into applying in Puerto Ricon



    Even if your immediate supervisor wasn't/isn't a CPA based on the office hierarchy or work titles, the CFO or whomever signs your experience verification forms can also claim that he/she worked directly with you (b/c let's say your immediate non-CPA supervisor was a boob), hence the “immediate supervision.” I can't imagine that state accountancy boards have that much time to sift through and verify office hierarchy charts, work titles and responsibilities, management relationships and office politics unless the boards suspect the experience forms were filled out fraudulently.


    If you decide to certify from another state, it's like applying from scratch again, with your school transcripts. What can be a little hairy is that an out-of-state's accountancy board may or may not immediately understand and accept your academic credentials. Often, a state accountancy board understands and has already cleared accounting classes, program and curriculum with college accounting departments within its own borders and jurisdiction. I'd imagine that states located near each other have plenty of overlap so some of that complexity has eased.


    License reciprocation – if you're a CPA in one state and looking to be a CPA in another state – is definitely easier than initial licensing from a state that's different from where your college is located. Some state accountancy boards do list states that license reciprocation is acceptable from.n


    I really can't pass again!

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