Decisions, Decisions

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  • #157918

    I have a question about what I should do with my schedule and how to select test dates. I finished all my requirements to sit at the end of May and have gotten the letter saying that NASBA is being notifified that I am qualified and to send me my payment book. I know I then have to pay and then I will be sent the NTS. With all that said I will probably not be able to even sign up for an exam until the first week of July at the earliest and then I know I will have to probably wait a couple of weeks to get a time in my prometric site. I thought this whole process would be quicker, but I should have known.

    Now that you know the background. Here is my question: what test to take when? I really want to get FAR, Audit and BEC out of the way before the end of the year. I have been studying for BEC the past 3 weeks and am going to take that first as soon as I am able to sign up and get a test date. I plan on doing a cram section the two weeks before whenever the test date will be.

    With all that said I will probably have 7 weeks to study for whatever test I take next (excluding the 2 weeks that I will take out for BEC), either Audit or FAR. That is where I am confused. I will start studying whatever subject I choose for a couple of weeks and then break for a couple of weeks for BEC cram and then get back to the other subject and study till I take the test at the end of August (probably last day available).

    Should I take FAR or Audit? I will only be able to take one and I am confused about which one to take. I thought FAR in the beginning so I would have a backup in the 4th window, but then I also want to give myself amble time to fully learn the materials.

    Another thing is, is I will have family in for about two weeks during this whole period and a lot of the time they will be staying at my house. I still plan on studying while they are here of course, but I know that I will not be able to devote as much time if there was not guests.

    I can devote about 20 hours to studying a week, with work and family obligations that I have. Any suggestions would be greatfully appreciated.

    BEC 7/20/10 88 (90 hours)
    AUD 8/27/10 73 (65 hours), retake 11/22/10 81 (75 hours)
    FAR 10/28/10 80 (157 hours)
    REG 1/7/10 extended to 1/17/10 78 (130 hours) I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • #229593

    If you have 20 hours a week for 7 weeks, that should probably be sufficient for Auditing. I took 25 hours a week for 5 weeks and felt it was more than enough.

    FAR is a different story for some people. I'm sure some people could prepare for FAR in 140 hours, but that would be cutting it close for me. I am taking eight weeks at about 25 hours a week and I'm using every bit of it. I'm in my sixth week now and I feel I still definitely need the next two. It's almost double the material of Auditing (at least if you go by Becker's 9 lectures vs. 5 for Auditing).

    Good luck in your decision.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Thanks for your response whitesox. I see that you did awesome on your auditing section too cool.

    I am mainly worrying about making sure I get FAR and Auditing out of the way. I know that I only have one test that I can retake during the 4th window if things don't go well (praying and trying to keep my mind positive). Just want to have a backup plan and use my resources the best that I can.

    BEC 7/20/10 88 (90 hours)
    AUD 8/27/10 73 (65 hours), retake 11/22/10 81 (75 hours)
    FAR 10/28/10 80 (157 hours)
    REG 1/7/10 extended to 1/17/10 78 (130 hours) I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Work at a pace that is aggressive but not manic. I did about 90 hours for AUD and 120 for FAR. I scored 94 on both sections. In both cases I could have easily spent double or triple the time and not had any of it go to waste. The key is taking things topic by topic and not getting overwhelmed by the amount of stuff to cover.


    I agree with Dale. Stay focused on the material, do your hours each week, and you'll be ready! I slacked on my hours some and wound up delaying exam dates. Set a date and run toward it! You can do it!

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