CPA won\'t verify my work experience

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  • #1734206

    Hi, What are my options if there is no CPA supervisor and our company’s audit firm won’t verify my experience?

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  • #1734246

    Check this out:

    I don't know much about it. I have only seen it advertised, but it sounds like something that might can help you. I believe I have seen some posts on this board from one of the CPAs that is part of this verification program.


    First…you have to check your state regs over what experience they count and permit to be verified. They don't all operate the same way. In my state, I don't think what you describe above could be verified. The experience has to involve the direct supervision of a direct report CPA. Contractors, consultants…external…doesn't qualify (as I recall it).

    If, at that point, you've determined that it should qualify, you have to ask the person why they won't sign off. If they just don't want to, go back and check the rules regarding their obligations…ask again, and show them the rules. If that doesn't work, it's probably attorney time.


    I would look at your state requirements. I'm in Ohio, and I know that you have to have a direct report CPA sign off on your experience, definitely can't have an external audit firm sign off.

    I would double check your states requirements, and if you aren't in one of the state's that allows NASBA's experience verification, I would get to work on finding a job where you will direct report under a CPA.


    Even if having the auditor sign off made logical sense (since it's supposed to be your supervisor), it seems like that would be something an auditor should definitely not do for their client.


    So in Ohio, you need to be working under a cpa? What if the CPA isn’t active anymore?


    @Another72 it actually appears I was incorrect, you can submit a statement of verifying CPA form for Ohio, which according to the wording – “You should submit this form to a CPA who is familiar with your employment for completion of the appropriate information.” This would only be if your supervisor on your record of experience form is not a CPA.



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