CPA Experience Verification

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  • #158119

    Since last 2 years i have been working as an accountant for a company. The company’s internal auditor, a CPA, originally trained me for this job. My immediate supervisor, CEO of the company is not a CPA.
    nIs it alright for me to get an experience verification from the internal auditor, even though i dont report to him?
    nDo i have to be under the payroll of the CPA who certifys for my experience?
    nCan someone PLEASE HELP me with this.n


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  • Author
  • #233765

    You will probably have to call your state board….I believe each one is different.n



    CPA-Valenz is correct. Each state sets its own requirements. Some state require direct supervison by a CPA plus specific work experience while others like my state IN only requires that a CPA have direct knowledge of your work experience with no specific work experience requirements. You need to find out what your state requires. If you post your state, I am sure there is someone on this forum that probably knows the answer.n



    You will probably have to call your state board….I believe each one is different.


    CPA-Valenz is correct. Each state sets its own requirements. Some state require direct supervison by a CPA plus specific work experience while others like my state IN only requires that a CPA have direct knowledge of your work experience with no specific work experience requirements. You need to find out what your state requires. If you post your state, I am sure there is someone on this forum that probably knows the answer.

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