CPA Exam New Year's Resolutions

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  • #157064

    It’s a New Year!

    1. How many sections do you have left?

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year?

    3. What is your target date to be DONE?

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010?

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  • #216729

    1. How many sections do you have left?

    All 4 ๐Ÿ™

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year?

    I am committing to 20 hours minimum per week of dedicated studying.

    3. What is your target date to be DONE?

    My Target date is August 15, 2010 (Start Grad school in the fall)

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010?

    I need to have a dedicated study spot. I was trying to tote my materials around and study whereever I was, this year I have cleared a spot in my room and set up a dedicated study desk with my becker materials and each night I will utilize it. I also have a co-worker as an accountability partner and each week on Wednesday's we meet for lunch and review the prior weeks material I was to cover. This keeps me on top of my studys.

    Thanks for the post! Good Luck Everyone!


    1. How many sections do you have left? 1 and it's tomorrow.

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year? None if I can help it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    3. What is your target date to be DONE? January 2, 2010

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010? To focus on not hating audit so much. That is the one I have tomorrow.


    1. How many sections do you have left? 3

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year? Minimum of 25….I am determined to pass all three this quarter.

    3. What is your target date to be DONE? Sit for the 3rd of my 3 parts(AUD) on 02/22/09…hoping that will be the end of this journey

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010? Better use of flashcards and lectures. I tried to use the “review practice questions until my eyes bleed” approach the first five tests I took, and I passed the one exam when I watch the lectures a second time in the week leading up to the exam.


    1. 3 sections left. Hopefully just two after Monday.

    2. Study for 20 hours a week.

    3. I want to be done by July so that I am eligible for my firm's CPA bonus.

    4. Create a written learning schedule and stick to it. I drug FAR's studying out to almost 5 months… and still didn't pass.

    REG 97, FAR 69,82, AUD 80, BEC 71, 81 - It finally ended!!


    1. How many sections do you have left?

    2, AUD & retake BEC that has expired

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year?

    20 hrs/week in Jan & Feb

    3. What is your target date to be DONE?

    end of Feb when I take BEC, would have till end of April before REG expires but I don't want to have to study in March & April.

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010?

    Make good use of my study time-make my study hours count!


    It's a New Year!

    1. How many sections do you have left? 2: Financial and Business

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year? Every waking hour from now until the 12th, then a few days break, then every waking hour until the 1st of February and I'll be done! (Hopefully)

    3. What is your target date to be DONE? Feb. 1

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010? Start sooner ๐Ÿ™


    1. All 4 sections, taking the first this week!

    2. Devoting 15-18 hours per week

    3. Target date to be done: August (may be too optimistic, but I can dream!)

    4. Stick with my study plan. I tend to push off studying until the weekend when the evenings get too busy with the kids. My husband is being supportive and will take over – I just have to let him and try not to feel guilty! ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. I have 3 left, 3rd time for the BEC on Jan 16th; REG in Apr; and FAR in July

    2. I plan on studying 20 hours per week for about 6 weeks between exams, using becker, one hapter per week then review.

    3. OK requires Ethics so I'll take that in Aug and hopefully be all done by then.

    4. Pass BEC this time and the others the first time taking.

    To be honest I am heartily sick of this process. I just want to be done.


    1. How many sections do you have left? 3

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year? Varies with work, but probably 20 hours a week. This week I have put in over 50 for my FAR exam in a few days.

    3. What is your target date to be DONE? November 2010.

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010? More practice.


    1. Sections left: One

    2. Hours to study a week: 30 a week for two weeks

    3. Target date to be done: January 16

    4. Aspect of studying to change: no procrastination and lots of MCQ!


    Happy New Year Jeff and fellow Contributors:

    1. How many sections do you have left?

    >> Only one more – FARE

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year?

    >> As much as possible, 35+, I can study on the job as long as there's not much going on.

    3. What is your target date to be DONE?

    >> Its not over until the fat lady sings,, I resolve to be done by March 25, 2010 when (hopefully) the score comes out.

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010?

    >> I need to get more focused and not let my mind wander.. Focus, Focus, Focus…


    1. How many sections do you have left? 2; BEC and FARE

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year? As many as it takes for me to absorb and understand the information before the exam!

    3. What is your target date to be DONE? July 2010

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010? I think I already found it! I used to try studying at home, which was impossible. I started studying at the library of the university where I got my undergraduate and grad degree from (only 10 minutes away from where I live) – made a HUGE difference.

    Good luck to everyone!!!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    1. How many sections do you have left? 4

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year? 20

    3. What is your target date to be DONE? November 30, 2010

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010? Start using Yaeger Home Study

    BEC - 79 11/06/10
    AUD - 2011
    REG - 2011
    FIN - 2011


    1. How many sections do you have left?

    -Just one, the beast that is FAR.

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year?

    -Hopefully about 10 per week. I plan on giving myself one week per chapter, plus some time to review.

    3. What is your target date to be DONE?

    -Take exam in early April, hopefully pass and wrap everything else by June/July!

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010?

    -I cannot let myself procrastinate and then be forced to cram stuff in at the end.


    1. How many sections do you have left?

    —3 (REG, BEC, FAR)

    2. How many hours a week are you resolving to study in the New Year?

    —30 per week including the Becker live classes

    3. What is your target date to be DONE?

    —April 15th (sit for final exam mid-April give or take a week)

    4. What is one aspect of your CPA Exam study plan that you need to change in the New Year in order to find success in 2010?

    —Not let my tiredness make me cranky at work while maintaining the schedule/focus I had for my first section

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