Cannot purchase the AICPA Ethics exam.

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  • #2119668

    I recently passed my final section which was FAR, and I am trying to pass the ethics exam. The problem I am running into is that I created my account last Thursday on the AICPA website and I can log in with no problems on that website. When I try to log on to the AICPA store website to purchase the ethics portion it says your e-mail or password are not on file error crap….. I immediately called the AICPA on Thursday and they said this is bug that started Thursday morning and that their IT department is working on fixing it, and that accounts created since then are just being created on the AICPA main website and not on the full AICPA domain. I have called them last Friday, yesterday and today and they keep saying we are sorry our IT department is working on the situation but we have no idea when it will be fixed, like I’m actually shocked how they seem to not care at all and that it is not an urgent situation to fix. I asked if I could talk to an IT specialist and if they could fix my account directly and they were so confused like what is he asking. This is really disappointing for an organization like the AICPA to have these kinds of errors. I mean my daughters basketball team can fix their website log in within a few mins, but the AICPA cannot. I was just wondering if anyone else running into this situation?????

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  • Author
  • #2122074

    I created an account today to buy the software as well. Did not have those issues. Hopefully it’s resolved for you.

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