California License Process

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  • #157424

    Hi guys, I’m new to the forum but I have been an avid follower of the site. I had a few questions about the application process in California. I have downloaded the check list and started completing the necessary forms. I noticed it said we needed to send transcripts to the state. However, we all had to send them to the state before we could sit for the exam. Do we need to resend the transcripts? It also said there needed to be a 2×2 picture included as documentation. I know we have to attach a 2×2 to the actual application. But, do we need to include another one as well? Lastly, the General experience form needs to be submitted directly to the state from my supervisor. Correct? Thanks in advance for all the help and I this site is awesome.




    Edit: I forgot to ask. Can I send all the forms and applications in once I get my advisory score or do I have to wait until I get the official one?n


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  • #218917

    Hi Geoff,
    nFirst let me tell you what the CBA told me: don't send in your application until your scores are official and you've received a letter stating that. If you send it in early, it actually will delay the process. You will also need your experience form sent directly by the CPA signing it. Your transcripts only need to be resent if you have any changes to them since you first submitted them. Finally, you only need to include a single picture with your application.n


    BEC - Passed, AUD - Passed, REG - Passed, FAR - Passed, CA Ethics - Passed


    Vincec, Thanks for all the help. That is exactly what I need to know about the questions I had.n



    Hi Geoff,

    First let me tell you what the CBA told me: don't send in your application until your scores are official and you've received a letter stating that. If you send it in early, it actually will delay the process. You will also need your experience form sent directly by the CPA signing it. Your transcripts only need to be resent if you have any changes to them since you first submitted them. Finally, you only need to include a single picture with your application.

    BEC - Passed, AUD - Passed, REG - Passed, FAR - Passed, CA Ethics - Passed


    Vincec, Thanks for all the help. That is exactly what I need to know about the questions I had.

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