BEC–What's the shortest time you studied and passed

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  • #159004

    Hi all so I’m preparing for BEC and plan to schedule for sometime around the end of November. I sort of feel like a month is pushing it but would love to knock it out…

    My question is, (because I know I will get nervous about not being able to pull it off in a month’s time) did anyone here feel like they studied for a very short time for BEC and do well/pass? If so, will you please post your study time and hrs?

    Just trying to get a feel of a roundabout time that I need to put in. In terms of writing portions, I do not doing them but since BEC will be my first section to test on, I dread the possibility of topics from other sections being presented in the writings.

    Any feedback would be terrific. LOVE this forum!!!!

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  • Author
  • #255672

    First go at BEC I studied for 3 weeks, 40 hours total (tops) and got a 73. Did a restudy focusing on cost accounting and variances 1 week 15-20 hrs. passed w/ an 81… I would say a month is good at 15-20/wk…

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    I would say a month is plenty of time. Jeff recommends 4 weeks at 20 hours a week.


    I would say 3-4 weeks should be enough if you know your material well. I don't know what review material you are using, but the questions on the exam are generally easier than what is on the actual exam. Make sure you have the fundamentals down, such as supply and demand shifts and especially variances. I didn't waste my time on mnemonics for variances, and just memorized 3 drawings of variances I made.

    Also, I would take your time on BEC and try not to rush it. I had a hour left when I finished and I wished I had spent more time reviewing the testlets. I made that mistake because I took FAR before BEC.

    I probably did around 4-6 hours a day for 3.5 weeks. I think I could have done it in less. Also, make sure you sign up for the test soon if you plan on taking it, there's no seat availability for end of November in my state.


    Depends on how much time you have each day and how well you remember certain things from undergrad.

    BEC - 86
    AUD - 94
    REG - 88
    FAR - 89


    Thanks to everyone for your opinions and advice! Yes CPAwaldo you're right, I do need to get the scheduling done! Thank you for the reminder! Actually setting the date will give me the good kick in the butt I need too! Your advice sounds awesome since I do in fact have about 3.5 wks left. I think I will go for it! ahhh scared…

    As far as my materials, I have Becker book and cd and Gleim book and cd also but I know I won't get through all that. I plan to use Becker mainly and use Gleim as a supplement as their MC questions good and tough in my opinion. Thank you to everyone for offering advice. Good luck to all who are beginning or pushing through this crazy exam!

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