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  • #158758

    So I’ve passed FAR and BEC. I have time this fall for either AUD or REG. I have passed Audit (as well as worked in it for 3 years). I took REG 2 years ago when I switched jobs and didn’t study nearly enough and failed.

    Any recommendations for which one I should get out of the way in 2010? Also, my friend has the 2010 becker cd and book for REG so I have those materials already should I need them. But I have the 2009 becker software installed on my computer already for AUD (and the book) so if I installed the 2010 REG now, would I lose my 2009 becker and have to pay for AUD review materials? Or will Becker let you have both 2009 and 2010?

    Anyone have an opinion on how “tough” this International Auditing Standards addition will be? Looks like REG will just get “Business Structures” added over from BEC. No big deal in my opinion.

    Lastly, I’m a huge college football fan and am planning a wedding, so I would think AUD would be easier this fall since it’s shorter and I would have 6 months in 2011 to study for REG before my time expires.

    Sorry for the novel…

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  • Author
  • #249606

    Make a Pros and Cons List:

    Why you should take AUD now:

    -it's changing in 2011

    -it takes less time to study for and you have commitments

    -you've passed it before so there's not as much stress there

    -you already have the materials and the 2009 AUD materials are probably just as effective

    Why you should take REG now:

    -You have the 2010 study materials and they're likely not going to be sufficient in 2011 so you'll have to repurchase materials

    -You have time for it, might as well get the harder one out of the way

    -Leaving the one you failed (REG) until the end could be stressful if it takes you multiple times to pass and you end up losing either FAR or BEC

    That's all I got 🙂

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)



    I can do it cpa

    I recommend taking AUD in 2010 as well since REG will have the least amount of changes for 2011.

    Let's get AUD done this upcoming window! =)

    FAR-80 |BEC-85 |REG-72,82|AUD-81 |Ethics-Done
    Getting it done in 2010! -> GOT IT DONE IN 2010

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