AUD or FAR next?

  • Creator
  • #158497

    Hello Jeff,

    Let me first say that I love this website!  I really wish I would’ve known about it about three months ago.

    I just took BEC Friday and feel really unsure on how I did.  My dilemma is that I really have only enough time to focus on one more section before the year (full time worker, two kids, family,etc…two if I don’t pass BEC, since it won’t take me as long to focus on my issues).  So, my question is FAR or AUD?  My original thought was FAR because I thought it and BEC were changing the most in 2011.  After reading your website, you indicate that AUD is changing also.  Hmmmmm…. Not sure what I should do.  I work in governmental accounting and I am in charge of completing the financials for my agency, so I feel like I would be better at that section but the other material I am weak in.  I really did well in my AUD classes so I also think that I’ll feel a little confident in that section as weBasically my options are:

    1) study FAR unless I get my score from BEC that I didn’t pass.  If I didn’t, stop studying FAR and concentrate on the areas I didn’t do well in.  Take BEC around Oct 2-4, go back to FAR and take it in late NOV.

    2). Same as above but with AUD instead of FAR.    

    What is you opinion?


    BEC - 60, 71, 79
    AUD - 73, 66, 87!!!!! Yes! I am done!
    REG - 74, 76
    FAR - 75

    Yaeger Review for all except my last AUD score (Roger)!

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  • Author
  • #239172

    I would get FAR out of the way as AUD has questions that focus on FAR topics, although some have done AUD first. Depends on the type of questions you get on the actual exam.

    FAR - 95
    AUD - 82
    REG - 94
    BEC - 84


    I would also suggest FAR next… AUD should not change too much but we know that FAR will change quite a bit.

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    Thanks for the info! Yea after thinking more and more about it Im gonna try and knock out FAR and AUD before this year. It's gonna be a hard three months but hopefully I'll pass them all and have only one left next year!

    BEC - 60, 71, 79
    AUD - 73, 66, 87!!!!! Yes! I am done!
    REG - 74, 76
    FAR - 75

    Yaeger Review for all except my last AUD score (Roger)!

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