Anyone in my boat?

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  • #157853

    So I finally passed a section. 79 in audit. I have REG on 7/1 and BEC on 7/28, and now I know I can do it. Problem is, no motivation to study whatsoever… My situation is like Jeff’s in some instances; Married, kids, been in public accounting 9 years now with a firm where i am a manager. Just need my initials to make partner, but man, for the life of me i can’t figure out why I can’t get motivated??? Anyone else having the problem too?

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  • #229294

    The best advice I can give Lion is to man up and do it. I was finding myself in the same situation after I passed BEC, and ended up forcing myself into studying REG and took it a couple of weeks ago. I found that after studying the first couple of times and building up some more confidence while doing so, studying got a lot easier. Not necessarily more fun, though Phil Yaeger has a habit of making some kind of sarcastic or off the wall remark to make it not totally boring, but easier.

    I'll probably force myself into studying AUD by next Monday, though like you, I am completely dreading it.

    Good luck!

    BEC-74,78(2/18/10) REG- 77(6/23/10)
    AUD-66,82 (05/25/11) FAR-75 (04/01/2011)


    I think a lot of people are in the same boat as you man. Let's be realistic here – there is absolutely nothing fun or exciting about studying this stuff. It is hard work. You put in the hard work production, and the results is the gratification. The motivation thing is an interesting factor, as it is different for everyone. You gotta find your own personal motivation.

    My personal opinion is that money is not a strong motivator. And believe me, I want to make a lot of money. But I still believe that money is not a strong motivator. I think it has to be something more personal – such as you got turned down from a job that you absolutely knew you were the best person for that job, and so you want to prove to them, and yourself, what you missed out on. That is just a quick example. Find your own personal motivation.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81

    The GaJone

    Good point, financeguy. As petty as this is, a lot of my motivation comes from spite. There are 2 people I work with that I cannot stand. One of them passed all 4 parts on the first try, and acts like they think they're better than everyone else. When she asks other people how they did on their exams come score release time, she almost seems to take joy out of when people fail. Just because of that, I really wanted to pass all 4 parts on the first try. The 2nd person is someone else who seems to think they're better than everyone else. Last fall this person said they would start taking the exams after 2010 busy season, so I said “I'm passing this damn thing before they do” and I gathered my info to register basically the next day.

    Everyone, including Jeff, says “do it for yourself”. While I do agree with that, I also say do it to show other people what's up : )

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    GaJone, I would do the same thing if I were you.


    I don't care what anybody says. I don't share with anyone in work my status anymore. I do it my pace and don't allow anyone to pressure me or abuse me regarding the cpa exam. When I feel down I tell myself: I have 2 masters degrees from Europe and US, two beautiful kids and a loving and patient husband and a good job. If I pass I would be the happiest person, if not I am still very accomplished person. It is silly but it works.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!



    CPA EXAM - Passed

    75 CPA

    The GaJone

    When people ask me for my scores, I tell them that I made a 75 on all four exams. Then I ask them, “Is that good enough?” I am not telling anyone my scores. A 76 just means that you studied too much. A CPA is a CPA.

    The GaJone

    I'm with you there, 75 CPA. I definitely make it a point to NOT ask people about their scores, because I know I don't want to be asked about mine.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    CPA manners ~ is it uncouth to inquire about scores?


    hi all i wanted to find out from all u guys if u all read the text books for the far exam. wiley appears to me too much to read. so pls advise on yr best study strategy bcos i am running ot of time. i have one month left of my study time and i feel like i am just beginning. . also, how many mc questons do u all usually cover in one day of study. i feel like i am way to slow in solvin these mcs anad also in reading the text. so i am wondering how posible will it be for me to cover all i need b4 the d day of this massive test?????????????????help wanted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    cpawannabe any replies??????

    75 CPA

    Reading the Wiley book is an inefficient way to study FAR. Use Yaeger Homestudy to make the process more efficient. Yaeger uses the Wiley book as their textbook. I failed FAR using Gleim and then I passed FAR using Yaeger.

    The GaJone

    CPAWannaBe, it's probably not a big deal, I just make a point not to ask people at work about it. I know if I failed I wouldn't want people to ask me about it, especially if other people were standing around listening.

    At the same time I would still tell everyone if I failed. I mean, it's definitely not the end of the world, and everyone would find out eventually anyway. I just think it should be up to the person who took the test to tell people on their own terms, not have somebody come up to their cube where everyone can hear and shout “hey did you get your grade back yet!? How did you do!?”

    It might be a little uncouth, but in the grand scheme of things, definitely not a big deal : )

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    I'm in the same boat. Wife, 2 year old daughter, 5 years of public accounting experience, zero time to balance work/study/family. Took REG and FAR without too much prep, thinking i had experience that would get me through. I was incredibly wrong. I'm still going through some mental downtime, since i feel like busy season has just passed.

    I finally decided to go out and purchase the Becker review materials and I am just now applying myself. Unfortunately it took this long to get motivated. I can thank co-workers (younger and less experienced) for providing me with the motivation by passing the tests and making me feel like a dope/ humiliated. There is no better wake up call than supervising staff that have passed all 4 parts.

    REG - 77, AUD - 85, BEC - 75, FAR - 80

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