Anyone ever hit the "End Test" button instead of the "Continue" button??????

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    I took my first section of the CPA exam on April 19th, and when I had completed the last simulation of the exam and wanted to submit it, I hit “End Exam” instead of “Continue”.  I didn’t realize my mistake until today when I took the Audit section and hit “Continue”, and it actually told me that I had finished the exam and gave me a survey.  Will my exam still be graded????? It didn’t say anything about all of my questions being voided or anything (which I think it SHOULD have if that is, in fact, what it was going to do).  Either way, my grade wasn’t posted with wave 1, and I don’t think that’s a good sign! Has this ever happened to anyone else? Was you exam graded? Help please! πŸ™‚

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    This has not happened to me personally but I remember reading a post about it within the last month.  I recall that their exam WAS graded and everything was fine but I would email and get verification that it was submitted properly just in case.

    FAR: 78 BEC: 79 REG: 86 AUD: 74, 83 DONE!!!


    You should contact them for sure.  They can tell you if the exam was completed successfully and able to be graded.  I knew someone who thought she did that and rather than worry I had her call, and they were able to tell her it was fine.  If there can be something done to make you worry less I would try.  The least they could do is tell you no. 

    I hope this helps!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Do you know who to contact?????  I already called NASBA, and they only told me that they don't have a score showing for me but that it does show that I “attended”.  I then asked them whether “attended” meant that I was just there and could possibly have voided out all the questions or whether than meant that I had attended and my exam had been submitted, but all they said was, “I would assume that that's what that means,”.  So … no definitive answer.  I also asked the people at the test center, and they said that exiting my exam just meant that I had skipped the survey, but I'm not positive that they know exactly what they're talking about.  I just decided to email the AICPA today to ask them what happens if you hit “end exam” but they haven't responded.  Any suggestions as to whom I should contact would be greatly appreciated, or if you've heard of this happening to anyone else!! Thanks so much!!


    did you send your email to  I think when it happened to the girl I knew she contacted Nasba by phone (866-696-2722) with her NTS (exam id), test center location, exam section & exam time, and told them she thought she exited out of the exam, and they were able to verify that she was fine (she didn't tell me more specific than that).  AICPA will only take content related problems that happened during your exam & it has to be reported by fax within 4 days of your exam.

    I am IL (independent) state so we contact IL state board for most of our issues.  I am guessing you are a Nasba state.  I have heard of a lot of candidates that call them twice to get a second answer when checking about scores.  If you are an independent state I would try your board.  If not, try to get a second answer from Nasba.  I wish I could be more help. It has to be awful to think you might have exited out and then have to wait to find out.  I wish there were better lines of communications open to us for issues such as this.  In Jan/Feb I called my board and they told me if they didn't post my score, they didn't have it.  I called Nasba, and they couldn't help me because I was a board state.  It's very frustrating.  I hope someone can help you further just for some piece of mind that it is okay.  My score was held in Jan/Feb for audit hostage a few days shy from three months due to new sims.  Could you have had new sims?  If so, you are auto held to the second wave & that maybe why they don't have it yet.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    I just remembered that Nasba does take questions on their facebook page – if you wanted to ask generally what would happen if you accidently exited out? It is at least another source of information & they might give you a more specific person to contact.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Contact them right away
    Explain what happened
    I think from previous posts that the exam is recorded
    If you contact them they may be able to grade it

    Good luck!


    beansoc47- I think your fine. I read in a previous post that the exam saves your answers as you go along. I have also read previous post where an individual did not even hit a button and time ran out and there was not any problems. I cannot imagine that if you hit end exam that your answers up to that point were not saved. But like with every aspect of this exam, calling NASBA couldn't hurt. I would not read to much into the not getting your score in wave 1 release. Historically only about 75-80% of the scores for each exam except for BEC get released in wave 1, so there is always  a fairly decent chance that you could get pushed to wave 2 for whatever reason, new sim, etc. 

    Good Luck on your scores.


    Thanks for all the responses! I just wanted to let you know, in case anyone else ever has this problem in the future, that I did email NASBA and they finally responded and said that they were able to confirm to me that all my answers were “captured, saved and successfully transmitted to the AICPA for scoring”. They said that it's not necessary to hit the “continue” button or to do the survey. Praise the Lord! Looks like I'm in wave 2, though, because still no score … here's to praying for a passing grade!!! πŸ™‚


    beansoc47 – At least you know now. It is one less thing to worry about. Waiting for scores is bad enough all on its own!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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