AICPA or state board membership necessary???

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  • #159020

    I have a question. I always see stuff about continuing education and getting credits/hours to satisfy that requirement. If I’m working in corporate accounting, is this necessary for me to call myself a CPA and be certified?


    What if in five years, I want to go into private practice? What would I need to do?


    I know a few CPAs who work for private companies in corporate accounting and I don’t think any of them do any kind of continuing education.


    Also, is there a difference between being “certified,” “registered,” and “licensed?” If so, could someone please explain? I’m confused.




    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

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  • #255796

    Each state is slightly different, but as a rule of thumb, you cannot hold yourself out as a CPA to a third party on a business card, letter head, e-mail signature, vocally, etc unless you are licensed (some states might call it certified) and have a valid permit to practice.


    It is a HUGE pain in the butt to get the continuing ed, so a lot of people in Corporate don't bother and can only use it for resume purposes.


    I am licensed and can hold myself out as a CPA in my state. Expensive and a lot of hoops to jump through.


    As far as 5 years from now – call your state board…I bet there's continuing ed to make up, not sure how much though.





    I live/work in a very small town. The other CPA office in town, the owner hasn't done his continuing ed for at least 5/7 years. We've contacted the state boards to try to get his license pulled or at least to get CPA off his door, but nothing seems to work. I know my boss has been at it for about a year and she either isn't talking to the right people or they have other more serious things happening and they can't pursue it.


    I'm not sure how expensive it all is but I know you can do some CPE by mail. Everyone at my firm last year took a course on the state business tax earlier this year and I think it was around $95-$150 for 8 hours. Plus if you join the AICPA, or your state group they will send you gobs of email daily on it, some you'll get a discount on if you're a member of your state.n


    FAR - 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88
    REG - waiting


    Each state is slightly different, but as a rule of thumb, you cannot hold yourself out as a CPA to a third party on a business card, letter head, e-mail signature, vocally, etc unless you are licensed (some states might call it certified) and have a valid permit to practice.

    It is a HUGE pain in the butt to get the continuing ed, so a lot of people in Corporate don't bother and can only use it for resume purposes.

    I am licensed and can hold myself out as a CPA in my state. Expensive and a lot of hoops to jump through.

    As far as 5 years from now – call your state board…I bet there's continuing ed to make up, not sure how much though.



    I live/work in a very small town. The other CPA office in town, the owner hasn't done his continuing ed for at least 5/7 years. We've contacted the state boards to try to get his license pulled or at least to get CPA off his door, but nothing seems to work. I know my boss has been at it for about a year and she either isn't talking to the right people or they have other more serious things happening and they can't pursue it.

    I'm not sure how expensive it all is but I know you can do some CPE by mail. Everyone at my firm last year took a course on the state business tax earlier this year and I think it was around $95-$150 for 8 hours. Plus if you join the AICPA, or your state group they will send you gobs of email daily on it, some you'll get a discount on if you're a member of your state.

    FAR - 87
    AUD - 88
    BEC - 88
    REG - waiting

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