AICPA Ethics Test – Completion Certificate

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  • #2219038

    Hi y’all,

    Been a while since I’ve been on here, so I thought I’d check up on everyone.
    This forum really helped me during my CPA exams (mostly to not lose my S*@t”, lol)- it’s a wonderful resource and support group for anyone crazy enough to go through this, so thank you!

    Anyway, I just passed my AICPA Ethics Test – does anyone know if they email you this? Or can you download it somewhere from your AICPA account page? I can’t seem to find it anywhere, and don’t want to click into the course/test again in fear that it will force me to retake it.

    I’m a bit antsy to FINALLY submit my application after all these years, so maybe I’m jumping the gun and just need to wait for them to send it to me.


    And for those in progress – KEEP GOING AND DON’T GIVE UP… YOU GOT THIS! 🙂

    A - 76
    B - 80
    F - 74 🙁

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