Advice Needed – First Exam Scheduling

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  • #156988


    I am in the process of applying for and scheduling my first CPA exam. I also just signed up for the Becker Live Review courses. Based on that schedule, I will be taking REG first. My question is:

    How much time should I leave between the end of the Becker Live course and when I actually take the exam?

    I want to give myself time for self study and review after the course is complete, but dont want to take them too far away from the actual review. What is recommended and what has worked for you?

    Thank you!

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  • #210138

    first watch video………then reading all material………work MCQ big time……….always take notes on hard stuff when possible and make learning enjoyable and reward yourself

    stay focused one day at a time…….earn a couple points every day


    AMS, I am using Becker too but the online version. REG is a 7 lecture course and they give you 4 weeks to get through plus 2 more weeks at the end. Doing it online at my own pace, I have to be pretty focused to actually finish the class in the time allotted so I typically take another week at the end. I would allow for min 1 week, preferably 2 weeks from the time you are finished with all the lectures and HW questions and the time you take the exam. In this time I would do the sims, final exams, supplemental questions from the lectures I had trouble with and refresh my memory with all the formulas, mnemonics, etc. Flash cards and my notes are my best friends during these last 2 weeks. Good luck!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    Thanks zena, my initial thought was 2 weeks, so that is probably what I'll do. Good luck with your remaining sections!


    2-3 Weeks is your best bet depending on what you have going on in your life. I always spent the first of my final 2 weeks re working all the Becker homework questions and assessing my weak areas, but on the very first day of my last 2 weeks I would take Becker Final Exam #1 to get an idea of where my initial review of all the chapters left me. In the final week I would reveiw my weak areas and then use a Wiley Book and do all the questions in there pertaining to my weak areas. I would finish with taking the second Becker Final 2 days before the exam and assessing my weak areas again. For any question that I got wrong either on HW, Wiley, or the Finals, I would write it out in a quick sentence on “key points” sheet and then review that the morning of the exam and in the car before walking into prometric. Another thing that is silly but really helped was I would sit down to dinner with my husband and I would tell him about the stuff on my key points sheet. For instance, I would say, “So Kev (my husband), did you know that if you inherit something that you receive a step up in basis and assume the basis of the property at the date of death as opposed to the date of original purchase?”. Actually saying it aloud helped me to remember it. He would just sit there and shake his head like I was retarded but I didn't care, it helped me pass all four on the first try.

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