2011 Harder or the Same?

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  • #159159

    I am just curious what people are feeling the 2011 Exam will bring. Do you think the Exam as a whole will be harder or just different but at about the same level?

    And, yes I understand it is a huge beast either way! lol

    Here we go......?

    REG - April 06, 2013 PASSED

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  • #256738

    They're never going to make the exam any easier….it is only going to get harder. Personally, I'm a little scared for the international standards coming into play. I've been in Public accounting for 4 years and realize that I will need to learn them, however my entire education (undergrad and grad) has been based on US GAAP so the thought of being tested on anything other than that scares me a bit.

    I realize that it probably won't be as bad as what I think…I tend to brace myself for the worst.


    I personally think only BEC will be more difficult because of the three WCs.

    WCs disappear from AUD, FAR, and REG.

    IFRS does not make it more difficult. It's something that ALL accountants (public and non-public) will have to learn in the US if they want to keep their jobs in the very near future anyways.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    I say more harder…those mini sims I believe will dreadful. Greater chance to screw up. When 2 or more questions based on the same set of facts… For me WC was Like free points…Bec imho will be easier. If Bec gets those mini sims will be another story…



    I have only taken AUD, and I'm guessing that's how the “mini sims” are going to be like for next year? In my exam, there was no specific fact pattern that related to multiple tabs. Each tab was pretty much independent from the other and had its own information.

    If that is how it's going to be for all exams, I prefer it. I see it as smaller fact patterns (less chance of overlooking something), and less chance of getting stuck with one topic that isn't your strong point. Also, I feel a full page of information for multiple tabs would take longer to grasp and comprehend than smaller, independent ones.

    Other than that, FAR and AUD will be harder only in the sense of that they're getting additional information. I think the WC for BEC can only help because with an only M/C test, you are either right or wrong, black or white. With the WC, there is some gray area that can help out. All other exams are taking out the WC which is good because it gives you a bit more time, but could be bad for some people if they find WC to be easy points for them.


    I'm not saying that we won't have to learn international standards….but I'd rather not be tested on them.

    I do agree with HerbieHerb, I think BEC will become easier with those three written tabs added.


    Greetings. I need advice. I will be retaking exams in 2011. Which study books do I need to repurchase due to the 2011 changes. Help!!


    I don't agree with WCs being free points.

    I actually scored weaker in the AUD one and comparable in the FAR one.

    And besides the points obtained, it is definitely the most time-consuming task on the exam.

    Mini-sims are imho much easier, since you do not have to remember (or keep reviewing) a huge fact sheet.

    And if you are not strong on the subject, it is only a few points.

    But I guess everybody is different.

    Also, we are all scared of the change, it's human nature. Change could be good sometimes.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    @Chic – I would think that FAR would be better with a new book. Maybe REG, too. But I'm not sure why AUD and BEC would need one. I haven't really evaluated the 2011 changes in any in-depth way, though.

    BEC - 10/18/2010 - 79
    FAR - 10/28/2010 - 82
    AUD - 11/04/2010 - 73; 02/18/2011 - 86 - IT'S OVER!!!!!!
    REG - 11/21/2010 - 83

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