2 Tests, 1 Exam Window

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    Hey Everyone, I decided to finally post on this forum because I think many people are in the same situation I’m in and need advice!

    My original plan was to pass all four exams by the end of 2010. I (thankfully) passed BEC earlier this year. I’m waiting for AUD results (taken 8/30). I have REG scheduled in November. Unfortunately, my attempt at FAR fell short (scored a 62).

    Without going into excess details, I think I only have time to prep for one more exam in 2010. I understand the benefit of getting FAR done in 2010 because of the addition to IFRS in 2011. However, my NTS for REG expires in 2010, so moving REG to 2011 means flushing NTS fees down the toilet. Plus, the thought of opening up my FAR book for another 2.5 months makes me a little sick.

    Given the situation, what do you think? 1st attempt at REG or re-take FAR in November 2010? Any feedback if very appreciated!

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    If you can pass FAR in the 4t qtr I would do that, but if you are unsure even with the extra study time, just go for REG save the fees and deal with the new rules next year.

    FAR - 95
    AUD - 82
    REG - 94
    BEC - 84



    It may take less time to re-study FAR. You have already listened to the lectures and done the highlighting.

    If you listen to the lectures and read the text and do the HW and SIMs plus the Final Review you may be able to do that at a quicker pace then you think. You would be able to build on what you have already learned and fine tune your knowledge.

    Won't you have to repurchase new study material for FAR if you re-take in 2011? That is bound to be more than test fees.

    Re-takes stink!


    hmmm… that's a tough decision.

    Personally I would probably retake FAR if you can get an NTS for the next window. Unfortunately that does mean you lose some money, but would you rather lose some money or deal with IFRS? Additionally, the FAR information is fresh in your brain so you can hopefully not have to dedicate another 100+ hours for it.

    Also if you don't want to lose the fees you can always primarily study for FAR sit at the end of October and try and do some Regulation studying after that, I'm not sure what you can devote to studying but that gives you at least 6 weeks for FAR. At least that way you could attempt Regulation even if you put in half the effort at least you have a chance of passing, even if it is slim, and you will also gain some more experience with the exam. Good luck!!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    I would personally start restudying FAR and take it as early as you are ready for in October, and then take REG at the end of November

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I agree with financeguy. Both tests are certainly doable.

    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75



    I agree with financeguy and millerg,

    I would take far in like oct 23 or 24 (yes some prometric sites test on sundays) and I would take REG nov 30. You have already studied FAR so you have some things to build upon. that would leave you like 5 1/2 weeks to study for REG. I totally think that is doable. Why study IFRS when you may not have to, not to mention paying to update materials

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    I would take REG to get it out of the way and use the NTS and then deal with FAR (which is the hardest exam so you might be stuck on it for a while). The exam will not change that much so suddenly. They will add couple of new questions but first it will be testing questions etc. They will gradually collect information about the questions. The first people taking the exam in the new format may actually benefit from it. But again, I am a little biased because I am stuck on FAR.

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    I think Jeff said something about exam scores being below avg during the first transition of paper to computer based exam. For instance, right now the avg pass rate is 44%, but during the first transition the pass rate was below 40%. (numbers not official, just used for example)

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I would study for FAR now and take sometime in October, then take REG the last day of November. That's what I did last window. It took a lot of studying, but I crammed them both in.

    I have 3 kids and a full-time job….so it is definitely doable.

    75 CPA


    It sounds like you paid for an NTS for all four sections. I think that is a mistake because you lose your flexibility if you fail an exam. I only got an NTS for two sections at a time.

    My best advice USUALLY is to retake FAR since FAR is still on your mind, and because FAR changes in January 2011. After failing FAR with a 68 the first time with Becker and Gleim, I switched to Yaeger Home Study and I passed FAR.

    On the other hand, you only got a 62 on your first attempt at FAR. Most CPA candidates only raise their scores by 10 points on the second attempt. For example, I raised my AUD score from a 64 to a 74 on my second attempt.

    If I were you, I would take REG since you already paid for it. You do not want to fail FAR AND lose your NTS fees!

    When you decide to redo FAR, change your review materials and use your old review materials as a reference.

    I know you are between the devil and the deep blue sea. Keep moving forward and you will be a CPA.


    I would recommend retaking FAR in the middle of October and taking REG 11/30. If you retake FAR mid October, that still gives you like 6 weeks of FAR studying, which is what some people give themselves first time around. If you take REG 11/30, you will have like 5 weeks for it, which I think is enough study time (with the assumption that you are putting in 20 – 25 hours of study time a week). Why not try to pass them both before 2011? You have the time available, so that is what I would do.

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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