Yaeger Minimum FAR Questions

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  • #158601

    Has anybody passed FAR going through the videos and knowing all the MC questions + Sims they tell you to do. I know with Auditing I tried to answer 1000-2000 of MC questions. Yaeger only has a couple hundred for FAR

    Please help…..I have less than a month

    Audit Passed
    FAR Passed
    REG Passed
    BEC ??

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  • Author
  • #239697
    75 CPA

    Think of 2,000 multiple choice questions as a minimum number of multiple choice questions for each exam. Do all of the multiple choice questions in the Wiley book, not only the required questions. Yaeger gives you a Wiley CD with all of the Wiley questions. Additionally, do the all of the questions on “cpa exam for free.”

    Yaeger is the best teaching course for FAR, in my opinion. However, you have to put in your sweat equity.

    Good Luck! You can do this.


    Doing all of the multiple choice questions is overkill. I didn't do any simulations and I did the bare minimum amount of multiple choice and sometimes less than that for each section. I wasn't going to let CPA Exam run my life. To do this, you must have a solid understanding of the material. Good Luck.

    FAR- 76, BEC- 79, REG- 82, AUD- Waiting
    IL Candidate
    Yaeger Review


    Everybody is different, but I did the 1600 mcqs on becker and I was just fine.

    I don't know about yaeger obviously but I think becker did a great job, but again, everybody is different and I have a strong background in financial accounting (both us gaap and ifrs).

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95

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