Woo Hoo Success

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  • #157949

    Ok when I started this process i had high hopes until the reality of studying set in. I set my FAR exam for 4/16/10 and my REG exam for 5/28/10. I posted a few times freaking out about FAR and in the end i passed with a 83. I only gave myself 6 weeks for REG and I lost almost two of them for travel for work. I pushed hard in the four weeks I had and felt I got a really tough exam. That said, I was not sure I passed. I got my score today and woo hoo, I got an 89.

    SInce this is my first window I feel really lucky to have gotten by these two exams as I felt they had the most material and are the toughtest. My goal was to be done with all four sections by the end of the year and with these two down I have two windows to knock out AUD and BEC.

    I did not use Yeager for my program but I felt thar combining the material provided from Jeff and Yeager on this site definetely helped me.



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  • #229669

    Congrats! Can you give me advice on FAR, and anything that you think really helped prepare you for it.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    Congrats!! I'm totally jealous!


    Congratulations!! I am taking REG in 3 weeks. It will be my first time sitting for any sections so I'm very nervous to say the least. What review materials did you use? I'm currently doing Becker live courses and planning on doing as many mcq's as I can find. Any advice would be great!


    Great job. Quite the accomplishment doing both of those tests in your time frame with work!

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

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