Very Discouraged - Page 2

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  • #157797

    I don’t post here much.  I just received my scores for FAR and AUD today.  I failed both, not barely, but miserably.  It was my first time taking both.  I am using Becker Online and doing everything that they tell you to do.  I could not believe my scores.  I figured I might fail FAR because it was my first, and I did not know what to expect.  Should I have studied harder, obviously?  I don’t feel like I don’t know the material?  I put in as many hours as I can while committed to other things like work and family.  Sometime I would work on study material, homework while at work during some down time.  For the last 3 and half months I have sacrificed many hours at night falling asleep at the computer and my weekends.  I guess I will just have to sacrifice EVERYTHING.  I never freaked out at the exams?  I thought they were challenging, but nothing I had not seen? I was told if you take Becker and do what they say, you should be prepared.  Based on my scores, I am not even in the ballpark.  I was shocked to see the results.  I scored like I did not even study it is that bad.  Is it possible to bring a score up 30 points just to pass on the next go around?  MAN I AM SO UPSET!

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  • #228962


    what is your email address? Email me at thanks!


    To: Barenesmic…….I love this thread.

    To: All others who've posted…….great job supporting him….THAT'S exactly why we come to this site.

    I have taken my fair share of tests. It's okay to be discouraged. It's NOT an easy test. It is designed to test your knowledge while also tricking you a little to see if you're paying attention.

    There are several reasons one doesn't pass the exam on the first try. MOST people don't!! You have to study enough of the material to KNOW it (note: I did not say be FAMILIAR with it) and then hope that alot of that material is given on the exam.

    Learn from this exam. Study those areas that you didn't do well on. Sign right back up for it again ASAP!

    If you want discouragement…….check out my scores below…..GOOD LUCK!



    I know exactly what you mean about KNOWING it versus being familiar with it. After reflecting on how I studied FAR and AUD, I know I did not give it the effort and quality in studying that I should have. FAR, I knew I tried to rush it. Since it was my first time studying, I had no idea how long to study it. I did everything Becker says you should do, but I did not give myself enough time to really KNOW the material. Going forward I am just going to ignore what my Becker instructor said in trying to learn and complete all lectures and homeworks in one week per section. Knowing myself, I NEED to take it slow and make sure I ABSORB the material…For AUD, I took the material for granted since I work in an audit related job. I am an internal auditor with much SOX experience. This test is definitely external audit related. Coincidentally I did fine on internal control section 😉 Nevertheless, I am very familiar with a lot of the terminology, but obviously I do not know it enough to where it is second nature to me. I already have active NTS's for REG and BEC, so I am going to take those next. I AM GOING TO TAKE MY TIME WITH BOTH OF THESE!. For example, as I do the homework, instead of trying to answer the question based on what I know (which is guess most of the time), I would use the text and find the reference in the book to the question. Read the section and the question, and then answer it. It takes much longer to do, but I am already starting to understand the material better and really KNOW it. I do not want to keep retaking. The hardest part for me is giving up everything I like to do like playing with my son, doing family stuff and working out! I told my wife, I guess I will have to become a fat ass again until I pass this damn exam!

    How are you able to keep trucking along the way you are doing?


    Hey wannabe, did you reschedule for AUD yet? I remember emailing you a few months ago. I am still unemployed, unfortunately. But it'll all pass

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